Dislke water

I have exclusively breast fed my baby for 6 months, after that started on solid food. However he seem disliking water. When ever I give him water he get choked, or after drinking he vomits or else he just through it out. :frowning: . Because of this he very often have constipation.

I am worried… :confused: :unsure: Any suggestions from any one?

Do you still breastfeed? I very rarely gave my son water until he was after a year old. You can try mixing half water and half juice and see if that helps. Try juices like apple or prune that will help with constipation.

Hi nhockaday,

I do breast feed him on demand. when ever he sleep or having a nap i feed him. I have tried already apple juice, watermelon juice, warm water, ice/cool water, and prune juice even. It seems like, he don’t like any kind of liquid. :frowning:

Do you give him drinks in a cup or a bottle? My son was very fussy about what he drank from - he hated water from a bottle but eagerly drank out of a cup (I guess because I do). It took some practice and patience (and lots of wet tops) but he quickly became accustomed to drinking from a cup.He choked a bit on toddler cups with spouts as the water came too quickly.

Perhaps try adding more liquid to his food, too. If he is ‘eating’ the prune juice then he will still get the benefit without choking.

Also, try expressing your milk into a cup or bottle. You don’t need to buy a pump unless you want to - it is possible to just use your hands. It can get messy, but if milk is the only drink he’ll take it could help. Or he could be like my son and refuse to take milk from anything but the boob. :wub:

Not all children are the same. My first son use to drink water with a little of honey. My daughter liked a lot water without sugar nor honey just with anise that help with stomach aches.
I understand your concern because it is very important to take enough water.

Hi Zaa,

My son is now 26 months and will still insist on the boob at times rather than water or milk. He will only drink water, milk and fruit smoothies (home made) and wont have a bar of juices.

I found the same thing as nhockaday in that he would only drink from a cup, there was no chance of expressing my milk into anything and having him accept it. He would only drink breast milk up until he was 19 months. The only time he would have water was when he was alone with his father. Probably because he knew there was no chance of anything better :wub:

It may be that your son is still wanting breast milk only. There is nothing wrong with that as breast milk is 88% (or so) water. Since you are feeding him on demand it may be that dehydration isn’t the cause of the constipation.

Here are some other common causes of constipation it may be worth investigating if any of these are probable causes.

Being inactive
Not eating enough fiber
Not eating regularly enough to stimulate the intestines to move food along
Certain high-protein foods
Not having a bowel movement when having the urge (some children after experience a painful bowel movement will try to keep their stools in and this can lead to constipation).

If it continues I would insist on the doctors doing a thorough check up.

I hope this is helpful, best of luck with it :blush:

For constipation try the occasional stomach massage. Lay baby on warm towels (electric blanket is even better), and massage his tummy for a few minutes regularly. Try and put him on the toilet, sometimes its hard to have a BM on your back/in a diaper.

Make sure YOU are getting plenty of water and a good balance of fiber rich foods.

[quote author=Mom2Bee link=topic=9444.msg61948#msg61948 date=1289322988]
For constipation try the occasional stomach massage. Lay baby on warm towels (electric blanket is even better), and massage his tummy for a few minutes regularly. Try and put him on the toilet, sometimes its hard to have a BM on your back/in a diaper.

Make sure YOU are getting plenty of water and a good balance of fiber rich foods.

Make sure you ONLY massage in a clockwise motion. Counter-clockwise will do the opposite of what you want.