Different color font for learning the colors?

I just started the LR program with my 8 month old. Great program, but there is one thing I don’t understand. The colors have just been introduced–the color and font color don’t correspond. For example, the word “orange” is written in blue font. I’m guessing there is some logic to this, but I don’t see it. Anybody?


Yah, come to realise that, is there any logic behind this ?
Or is it better to change the font colours to the colours of the word ?
Maybe someone can enlighten us on this…

I wondered that also, I decided our kids are smart enough to figure it out but it grated on my nerves every time I saw it, I considered editing it but basically I am lazy :yes: so I left it alone and what do you know… The first word my son actually read to me from little reader was the word " blue" and it was in a different colour print…red from memory! So obviously he is smarter than me!
I also noticed in common animals a bird and a duck are listed separately, yet a duck IS a bird!

I did not teach my child the colours by teaching them the word - and besides if you see the colours written in books they are all written black - so if “orange” is orange when written in black, it is also orange when written in red or purple or grey or pink. Just don’t try teaching your children their colours that way - that is what the picture is for afterwards.

If I am not mistaken, it is also done the same way in YBCR, and I seem to remember Dr. Titzer mentioning somewhere that this was done on purpose to minimize the chances of the child guessing at the word (based on the font color) rather than actually reading the word. I am assuming this is the same logic used by the LR creators.

I dont intend teaching my child colours from the words any more I would teach them that a cat is a cat from the word but that doesnt explain the logic of using mixed coloured fonts for the words. I personally think it is confusing. I aim to support my childs learning as much as I can and make it easy and step by step for them to learn. Mixing the font colours on colour words is very likely to trigger confusion. I dont agree with Titzer’s idea of changing the fonts to make it harder for them to guess the words either, as I am “teaching” my child not “testing” them.
However like I said It didnt seem to bother my son at all, just me. I will happily admit it is more important for him to be happy about the program than me :slight_smile: