Diet to prevent Preclampsia?

I know the preclampsia is one of the most dangerous maternal complications. I had always thought that some women were just predisposed to having this condition, but I just read an article that claims it is completely preventable. Does anyone else have any information to either back up this article or refute it?

I had also heard that it was something you were more prone to.

My obstetrician said that it is also related to the father of the baby but they don’t know why. She said that if you had pre-eclampsia with a first pregnancy and your second baby has the same father it is likely you will get pre-eclampsia again. She also said that if you didn’t have pre-eclampsia and your babies all have the same father then it’s rare for you to get pre-eclampsia with any other pregnancies. Also if you have a different partner for your babies you may end up with pre-eclampsia for one and not the other. She said that’s why they ask whether the baby has the same father when you go for your first visit.

I’m hoping this is true since I didn;t have pre-eclampsia with my first. I’d like to rule out one more thing to worry about.

I have major issues with birth control, i have to be on the lowest dose possible or my blood pressure hits the roof. When I got pregnant, my body reacted the same way, high blood pressure and dizziness. My doctor told me, if you have it your first pregnancy its rare to get it again. However because of my reaction to the pill, I would most likely have it ever pregnancy. My BP while I was pushing was 200+/120+. It was scarey!

Hi there.

When I was expecting twins, I followed Dr. Sears “The Zone” nutritional program, and gained within the normal amount expected, and lost it rapidly as well. Be sure to use the Omega Rx as well.

Articles here:

Fetal & Childhood Development:

With regard to not limiting salt and using only natural salts, I agree with the article based on the research of the late Dr. Batmanghelidj, which I also followed during my pregnancy and had low blood pressure to which the doctors and nurses were pleasantly surprised:

~ Ayesha