Did you potty train your toddler early?

I started potty training my son at 2 years, and by 2 years, 7 months, he was completely potty trained! I used logic to transition him from diapers to pull ups…“Son, this is the last box of diapers I am going to buy. After that, you will have pull ups!” It worked! So I used the same logic with him when i was transitioning him from pull ups to big boy underwear. That has got to be the BEST advise I ever received and utilized.

I’ve always heard that when a child is “regular” with his BMs and it is fairly “solid” is a good time to start. My son is 26 months now and there is no way near of a regular “schedule”, nor is it always solid. Once last week, he said “poop coming” but that’s the first time he’s indicated that he knows what’s about to happen. My plan is not to worry about it yet.

I’m pretty bummed, though, (ha - pardon the pun) because I bought many, many bags of pull-ups on sale a few months ago and guess what? Yep, he’s outgrown them!

I wouldn’t say that we’re “potty training” but we’re becoming familiar and comfortable with the potty. Our little girl (then 15 months) would always com into the bathroom while we were doing our business and stand there and go herself in her diaper. On a whim I decided to bring up the potty, tell her what it was, and explain it’s use. Much to my surprise, she sat down and peed! We try to do at least one pee in the potty each day now and are just now starting a potty training reward chart.

My eldest son we started around 18 months sitting him on the toilet when we could tell he was going to go poop. Then we added in first thing in the morning/after nap, last thing before bed/nap and after meals. He was completely trained before 2. With the younger one who is 7 months now we were planning the same however while in the bathroom with my older boy a litle over a week ago the baby started grunting like he was going to poop so I set him on the baby seat that goes on the toilet that I had nearby and he went. I pretty much considered it a one off thing. After that my husband was out of town for 3 days and I was very busy, but when my husband came back I mentioned that he hadn’t gone poop since he left and he said to set him on the potty and he immediately went, since then I’ve been putting him on the toilet once a day at dinner time or at another time if he indicates he needs to go and he has not gone poop in his diaper at all.

I’m finally having success in training my daughter

I would have loved to potty train my son early. But we were on the later end of things, he was fully trained(even nights) no accidents a few months after turning three. He was so backwards lol first night trained, then poop trained then, pee trained.
It was only after we corrected his digestive issues(gluten and soy intolerance) before we successed.
But all and all my advice,take it or leave it is. That they will all catch on, some will have more trouble then others. Its ok to try and give your child the chance to train early, but don’t get worried about it. If you stress your child can tell and will likely not co-operate.
Best of luck everyone.

My dd is really getting consistant now. She just turned 3 a few days ago. She has Down syndrome although I don’t like to use that as an excuse - she is a very smart girl! I think some of the reasons for her being on the later side is that we have had a really hectic year & I have not had as much time as I would like to devote to it. I would have really liked to try elimination communication if I had known about it sooner.

my first daughter was train at 22 months
we used the book “toilet training in less then a day”
well it wasn’t less then a day it took about a week
after the first day we never went back to diapers
i just let her run around in underwear
and if she made a mess we cleaned it up
she got the point really quick as it’s not fun to have to stop and get cleaned up

with my 5 month old i want to start early training
my question is i read that your suppose to put them on the potty went it seem like they need to go
but she always goes while she is nursing
and i can’t really put her on the potty and nurse lol
what should i do?

Take into consideration the time of the year. It is much better to train your child in spring or summer when they can even go naked than to start in winter when they can get a cold.
The important thing is that if you take away DIAPERS don’t go back to them because that will confuse him.

i started to potty train my gal since born, she get used to it then… I tried to train her without diaper nite time during 2 years old. She still pee on the bed, this made her body wet, she doesn’t like that, then she will cry n I will change pant for her :mad: . After 3 times pee on the bed, she woke up n pee on the potty herself … :yes:

Amazingly NO… I have 3 children and they were all different as far as the potty training goes :slight_smile: I am glad to say that all of them were so called trained before they began school lol …

What age is before they began school since in Peru some kids start ‘school’ at 2,3,4 years (preschool).
I think that by 4 years they are consious enought to be well train. I you start earlier much better.

with my 5 month old i want to start early training my question is i read that your suppose to put them on the potty went it seem like they need to go but she always goes while she is nursing and i can't really put her on the potty and nurse LOL what should i do?
Hi Tatiana You can try these nurse your child while you are standing above the sink and leave her without diper so when she is eating she can do her poop or pee in the sink.Then when she is doing that you can say the pee-pee or what you are saying for poops.So the child will connect the sound with the action.After a while you can take her to the sink when you say the sound for pee she will Know what to do.After a month without a diper you will now when she is peeing for instance in every 30 min or 40 min.But you can ask her to do pee berofe bed or after getting up.

thanks so much for the reply
i’m really unsure about ECing but i would love to give it a try
karma to you

We PT’d at about 18 months (a month ago) but were dabbling in EC for 6 months+. I find it really helped us to make the “potty sound” usually “psssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssst” is typically used so that’s what we chose. Everytime she peed or we put her on the potty, we made the sound and now she associates with with peeing. She’ll put her doll on the mini-doll potty and say “pssssssssst” to her LOL.

It works when we go to the store and she needs to pee, I’ll put her on the large potty and she’ll get the cue it’s time to go. However, since she is so young, she has accidents sometimes. As long as I remind her, she’s all good, but she gets too into her play and forgets, then runs to me while pee is dribbling down her leg says “potty, potty!”

I met my goal though, which was to LOWER our diaper bill. 2 in diapers is insanely expensive and we use traditional disposables. Now, has been in undies for about a month and a half, and then a pull-up at naps and nighttime. It’s a good compromise. I’m been thinking about getting her a musical potty watch, but I don’t think she’s wear it. Maybe I should wear it LOL.