Did you potty train your toddler early?

that’s what our mothers (or grandmothers) did in their days, he he lol

I am also an advocate for doing things early :yes: . When babies are born, one of the Major reasons they cry is when they need a nappy change (why, because its uncomfortable having poop or wet nappy). The older they get, the more they get used to it. The less quicker they cry about it, the less quicker we (as parents) change them out of their diapers. So babies cultivate the habit of functioning in dirty diapers. It then becomes a case of unlearning, unlearning of a bad habit. I would say it is better (and costs less money and energy in all) to be proactive about your child not cultivating a bad habit in the first place than trying to break the habit.

I think its also always a case on Mum and Dad being disciplined (like laughingwater said) setting the timer (if needed) for every 30mins or so take take your child to the toilet and ofcourse talking about other members of the family also going to the toilet. After sometime by law of association, your child figures out the toilet is where everyone poops and pees and follows suit.

With night times, my husband or I used to take our oldest out of bed at 12pm (b4 we went to bed) every night and sit her on the toilet (whilst she was still sleepy). Sometimes she peed and sometimes not but after about a month or so she would wake up herself ‘around 12pm’ and was led to the toilet (after a few times she started going herself) and eventually she no longer needed to pee during the night (on a daily basis).

So if you can, do it early. Generally i’d say if your child can tell you they want to eat or drink, they can also tell you they need to pee.

I have been putting my son on the potty since about 9 months, he just turned 12 months. I put him on at first to get him use to it and he started going so I rolled with it. I put him on in the morning, after naps, after meals, before bath and bed. He goes every time then gets a mini M&M. I read somewhere that if you can get them to sit on the potty b/f they start walking then they are easier to potty train. My son does great with it. He does not hold it, I do not think he has the bladder control quite yet but I have noticed that he can go longer and longer with out wetting his diaper. In the past few weeks he has woken up with a dry diaper 4 times. This summer we are going to try just wearing training underwear around the house and get more serious about potty training.

Hi there
I agree with that what LieveMama said.I have 2 children.When the first one was 7m old I noticed that in the morning after he gets up he was doing poops.And I started to put him on a potty ater he wakes up.We were playing with some toys and he was doing his poops in a potty.When he was 1y and 3m I gave him to daycare.They put there all children on a potty.It doesn’t mather if you have trained your child or not.When the new children come they see that the older children are sitting on a potty and they do the same.Maybe the first time they don’t do anything in a potty but after some time they will understand what to do in a potty.In daycare they put children on a potty after breakfast, after lunch,after nap.It was more easy for me because he was in the daycare during the day and I had to put him on a potty only in the evenings.It had pass a lot of time before he starts to tell me that he want to pee and we had a lot of wet pants by the way.
My second child had very sensitive skin and it was irritated very often when she was with diper.So when she was 5m old we started ti practice natural infant hygiene.You can read more about it on this sitehttp://www.mamaroobabysling.com/newsite/Diaper-Free.html .
This is what our mothers and grandmothers have done.My mother also raised me without diper.She had put a cotton piece of fabric in my shotrs.Every newborn baby has a natural instinct to stay dry and clean.
We parens are those who put our babys in dipers.

Avoid ‘tips and tricks’ and too much pressure on your child. Best advice I’ve read for treating you infant’s ‘training’ with confidence and respect is “In The Toilet” by Janet Lansbury. http://bit.ly/bSfX8r

I had the same problem with my boy. I tried potty training him early but it didn’t work, so would try again every 2 months or so. He had the same problem as your son, he would sit on the potty for a long time and then get up and go to the bathroom. I would talk to him about it and he seemed to understand but he wouldn’t go in the potty. I tried diffrent things underware so he would know when he went, prizes, sitting with him, etc. Then out of the blue one day he started going in the potty. My son is now, 30 months, we are still working on his potty training but we aren’t having the problem of him not going untill he gets off the potty. My advice to you would be just keep trying, don’t get discouraged, and when he is ready he will get it.

I have been putting my son on the potty since about 9 months, he just turned 12 months. I put him on at first to get him use to it and he started going so I rolled with it. I put him on in the morning, after naps, after meals, before bath and bed. He goes every time then gets a mini M&M and coach purses. I read somewhere that if you can get them to sit on the potty b/f they start walking then they are easier to coach outlet potty train. My son does great with coach handbags. He does not hold it, I do not think he has the bladder control quite yet but I have noticed that he can go longer and longer with out wetting his diaper. In the past few weeks he has woken up with a dry diaper 4 times. This summer we are going to try just wearing training underwear around the house and get more serious about potty training.


Well I think we can not give up, potty train is an act that lasts more than 1 month and sometimes we stop doing this training without the success. When my baby was 18m I started potty train with her and even at night, or else, no more diaper, I put a plastic protection in her bed and let her to sleep on a towel that was put on this plastic that was on the bed. She made pee some nights until she starts to wake up to make pee in the potty. It was one month!!!


mu daughter have been potty train since she was able to sit (6 months). I notice she will do her funny face when she want past motion… so know. (10 months), she will pee in her potty 3 times a day…each time after meal…:slight_smile:

My mum told me that she started putting me on the potty when I was 6 months. However, we let our son be in nappies for far too long. (We used reusable nappies and changed them very often.) We just waited for him to be ready.

We started reading books about being on the potty when he was 18 months old, but then his little sister was born and it wasn’t the right time to start his (or our) potty training.

I think we got a potty and he started sitting on it every now and then when he was 28 months or so. There was a week last summer, when we thought “Fine. We start next week”, but that week he refused even to go near his potty.

We decided to put off his potty training until Christmas time, because he was about to start playgroup and we had our holidays booked. However, he surprised us a lot.

He went to playgroup for three hours on Thursday. Friday afternoon, he refused to put his nappies on, so we started potty training. He had two big accidents on Saturday and Sunday mornings, that’s all. He was 31 months that time. We might’ve had a few more tiny accidents before Christmas when he was ill. He is still in nappies for his afternoon nap and at night, but I think he is almost ready to say bye to them.

I think I might start potty training with my second child a bit early. She is too interested in sitting on the potty.

I started training him since he was 3 months old. it was the first thing I used to do after he woke in the morning .it took him almost a month to get to the routine and after that he used to do it in the morning and some times twice in the day. by 9 months I got potty seat for him & we used to spend sometime playing with some toys.slowly he got into the routine & by 12 months he was fully trained. as far as pee was concerned it took time. most of the time he used to tell but bed wetting was on till he was 2 yrs old. I used to put diapers at night. slowly I started telling him that good boys don’t wet their pants and to my surprise it worked. now he wakes me up at night…

i never start potty train that early…3mth is too early to train…i kept my kids on diapers untill they were 2 or 3yrs of age…he he he…anywys nice job on training ur toddler that early… :slight_smile:

Whenever you decide to start potty training your child, make sure it’s a good time for you - that you are not stressed and things are settled at home. All children are different so be patient and accept that it may take some time. Using training pants gives your child some control over when he wants to go, and may help encourage him to use the toilet more often. Always praise him lots - even if it’s only a dribble! Children also love to flush the toilet and wash their hands with mummy and daddy so this is one way to turn it in to a good routine.

Careful with too much pressure, too early. Like someone said, some kids will use the potty because they want to, but then stop ‘in defiance’. It’s an element of control they have… My experience (3 kids) is not to make a big deal about it. It’s there when they want it, and Nature will take its course.

I would not make statements " such and such time too early" etc. To start with, you are training them to use diapers from birth ( that is training already), be dressed from birth, etc. It depends what you want to do to make your baby comfortable. If the baby has no choice but to be put in diapers and learn to tolerate the training of having to go pee and poo in pants, it does not necessary feels great for him/her, but he has no choice. Just think what would be the best for the baby and try to accomodate circumstances and needs

On the other hand, I am aquainted with many parents who do not want to just train their children to go in their pants, based on the silly fact that others around them doing that. They gave their babies a choice of a potty right after birth, and had healthy happy communicative babies who were not forced trained to go in their pants. Accidents happen, but they ae just that – accidents…

Of course there are some time some medical conditions that make that impossible like with any other life functions. Parent’s busy-ness is another factor, it is just easier to let the kid go in the pants and then change the dia[er when it is convenient. And yes, once the child is trained that going in the pants is the way to do it, I would not suggest pushing them too hard with re-training. They simply might not be ready for learning s completely new concept and at that point even might have to be reasoned with and explained , etc. That is why so many books are written about it, after all it might be one of the first “ingrained habits” that the child will experience having to uproot and change. Wow, that is a pretty heavy concept, as if you go in a book store, one of the largest sections there would be self help books, people always trying to change this and that and the other, get slimmer, quit smoking and have a better relationship, and success rate is not always too high, ha But if you honestly look at it, potty training the way it is done in our society is exactly that – getting over the ingrained habit, that was encouraged for a definite time. It must be pretty difficult …

Well just some thoughts…

I started my older boy when he was 5 months. He was pooped-trained by time he was 7 months. We live in a tropical country and it was about that time that I took him to Australia during winter. I think the cold was a real shock to him and he didn’t like having his bottom exposed so he stopped pooping into the toilet bowl.

I was always very bad with the peeing part because I have zero intuition and cannot read my son’s body language to save my life. I tried several times to help him pee into the toilet and was successful half and half. Then again, the public toilets in this country aren’t exactly conducive for early toilet training because they’re filthy so potty training only happened when we were at home.

I have read the diaper free books and literature and they say that if you want your baby to go diaper free, it’s best to do it before your baby turns six months. Before 6 months your baby will respond to a need to avoid soiling himself (herself). After six months, your baby is effectively “trained to pee and poop in diapers”. Then again, I’ve also read that Jane Fonda’s child was potty trained at 1 year by a local maid when she was in Vietnam so anything’s possible.

I started to train him when he was 18 months. Before that I had never tried, so every thing went wll
he enjoy his potty time.

I tried twice. bt my son had very severe constipation problem n very dificult to continue. i still cudnt do that.

I don’t think it hurts to start early. A few people have said 15 months old, I can agree with that. I wouldn’t wait until the kid is beyond 2 or so years old to potty train them.