diaper change struggle!!

hi moms,
issam is turning 1 next month and i should be a PRO by now when it comes to changing his diaper! :blush: however, this is the time of the our day (we change diapers like 3-4 times a day) when it starts to be really struggle :wacko: and not to mention messy :ohmy:
the moment he learned to turns, he is just turning and turning whenever i need to change his diaper.and now that he is move mobile, he crawls running away from me!
i have tried everything, sing him a song, give him something in his hand to keep him still, its just not working…
perhaps u can suggest something more effective.

I made an old dresser into a change table by putting a change pad with the edges that curve up the sides on it. This type of pad makes it a bit harder to roll over on, but the big thing is the mirror. Marina is usually busy making faces at herself and even when she really doesn’t want to have her bum changed, I can distract her by making faces of my own at her. She also likes to practice putting the cap on and off her bum spray. If you can work a mirror in there somewhere, try it!

ok let me try that…i think it might work since issam loves looking at the mirror and seeing his own reflection.thanks

Nappy changes can be a real battle - and when they start running away from you it can get even worse :slight_smile:
Definitely try to distract issam - maybe have a toy that he is ONLY allowed when you are changing him so that it does not get boring too fast. The mirror is a great idea too.
Basically I just learnt to change nappies as fast as I could as no amount of distraction seemed to work - make sure you have absolutely everything ready before starting. Changing her in different places in the house did work some for me as there was always new stimulation. I also found that allowing my daughter to throw the dirty nappy away afterwards (or putting away the powder or cream etc)helped her be more cooperative as she had a job to do.

Thankyou so much. Changing my little one has been the biggest challenge of late. :wacko: Something so simple turns into a marathon struggle. In the end the nappy is put on crocked while standing him up. I think the mirror will work a treat. We will try that one tomorrow morning