Developmentally delayed kids

Does tthis method help developmentally delayed kids with genetic disorders?

Yes, there are some members having great success in closing the gap on developmental delays due to chromosome disorders. Some are exceeding developmental expectations and are advanced for their age in comparison to average children.


We have been very happy with the success we are having with our 4 year old daughter. She has Down syndrome & was recently tested to be at a grade 2 reading level. Besides the obvious benefit of learning to read, she is also speaking better & understanding so many concepts. If you are interested in learning more, check out my blog

Thank you for the reply. Laura , could you please tell me what programs do you use. Vera.

I have tried lots of programs! Little Reader really is the most flexible, versatile program that I have found, plus it had enough materials to bs able to grow with my dd from reading her first words until now. Originally, I used it more for the print function & printed out all of my flashcards, but I now use it as a computer Origram like it is intended. If you click on the Videos of K Reading link on my blog, you can see videos of my dd reading at ages 2 to about 3.5.

Check out my blog again tomorrow - I am posting a review & details about a giveaway!