
I am usually estatic about this forum and teaching my dd as much as I can, but today I am just depressed. Over the summer we took a break from a lot of the teaching because we did a lot of travelling and had many visitors. Summer is almost over and I am trying to get back into a routine. I am overwhelmed with everything I need to do to get reorganized and saddened that my dd isn’t as interested in it as she was before the summer. Today, it all just seems too much, is it really worth it? I know it is, but I sure could use a few words of encouragement to jumpstart my motivation!

Hang in there; we all have those days! Just try to relax and don’t get stressed out or depressed. Do something fun that you and your daughter enjoy, and you can try to work something educational in with it.

Yes, we all have those days :slight_smile: I spent most of the summer out of town as well. I knew that I would not have the same learning environment that I have at home, but I did what I could and whenever possible created a learning experience out of many of the activites we did together. Luckily, he reminded me when it was time for him to do math, or reading, or his language material, but if he didn’t I didn’t sweat it. I just did what I could. There are learning opportunities all around us and who says it always has to be using flashcards:) Try not to stress and do what you can, things will get back on track just relax, smile and have fun :slight_smile:

I was having days like that too, before the summer, actually, where I felt like I had put SO much effort into preparing and then he just wasn’t into it. I felt sad, complained to my husband, and felt like giving up.

And then I thought “if he’s not into it, and i’m feeling depressed then we’re not doing SOMETHING right.” so I thought about it and tried to figure out why he wasn’t into it. I took a step back and realised that I wasn’t suiting the lessons to HIM and he could tell that I was getting frustrated. He would even try to humor me, but I could tell he wasn’t into it either. The next day, I switched it up, made it a lot more active instead of stationary. Made him RUN to find the words hidden around the house to match up with pictures, instead of just sitting and playing a matching game. Then I made a game where he had to drive his little push car around this circular part of our house, and as he would drive by, I would hold up two cards (to learn letters) and say “which one is the letter H?” and he would slap it as he drove his car by, then switch it up for his next turn around. He had SO much fun! It was a MILLION times better and it captivated him. It got him interested again, to the point which I could start to do some sitting and watching stuff as well.

Maybe your daughter has changed/grown/learned over the summer – like a switch has flipped – and you need to rethink the style of lessons?? I’ve noticed with my son sometimes that the changes in him can be very sudden. like when he suddenly one day REFUSED to let us hold him over the potty to go – which we had been doing for MONTHS. Suddenly he HAD to sit independently or he wouldn’t use the potty (took me a few days to figure out that it was that he wanted to sit rather than be held and believe me, I was frustrated to think that he was no longer potty trained!).

Or maybe it’s just a funk and you’re both easing back in after being away on vacation?

Either way, you can do it! Persevere! She’ll thank you for it later on, for SURE!

Here’s my advice…

Hang in there! We all have these crummy days! Trust us!!! And when you start to perk up a little do think about making a few simple changes! Kids do grow and change. One thing I did with the words when we needed a change was tape some on her bedroom wall were she’d see them when she woke up in the morning! It’ll definately get her interest…if nothing else. And try off the wall words too. Kids like “muddy”, “boogies”, “toots” or in our case “bathtub bubbles” …you know, silly things, this always made my kids laugh too! I also had success with words almost too tough to pronounce…so maybe get out your dictionary or thesaurus and create some fun! And don’t worry about perfection. If you are tired of making those cards…just write it as large as you can on priner paper for the time being. Kids don’t care about anything, except having a happy mommy! :slight_smile:

Thanks Nikita for that cute clip! :wink:


Love, safety, attention, and your time is what is the most important for your baby. And you continue to give that! My first 2 kids did not have brillkids and they are amazing! Both kind, compassionate and straight A students and everyday they make me proud. I never did a dot card with them and started teaching them to read when they were 4. You all ready give her a great start. Keeptalking to her about anything…they learn so much especially how much mom loves them.
(By the way, my 9yr. has been skipped in math since 1st grade…he goes to a higher grade during his math at school)

Brillkids is the most amazing tool I have come acroosed and I am forever grateful to giving a great start to my 3rd child my 3yr. But I do what I can. I have 3 kids and they all need me in a different way. Giving them something is better than nothing. I am only doing brillkids now about 2-3 time a week! But it is what we can do now. And we still love spending time, talking, looking, singing and noticing our surroundings.

Give yourself a break and lots of love and time to your baby.

I think babies are allowed to take vacation. I bet that children who were out of town or travelling got as much or more stimulation and learning opportunities. And we all need breaks. It isn’t so easy for anyone to come back to routine after a vacation, back to the office or school room. So it is just normal. Good to take time off, normal to take a while to get back into it. Maybe there is some way to hook your vacation into your lessons? Flashcards of the people and places you travelled to that will have specific significance to your child now? New things you saw only while you were away? Little children (heck, all of us) love to rehash our most recent experiences and relive the fun.

Best of luck, but most of all, listen to the others here to note that their kids succeeded brilliantly before Brillkids existed, without flashcards. Be kind to yourself, and don’t stress it too much. It is so easy to pressure ourselves crazy! We all do it.


im going through the same too… took a break over ramadan,the fasting month… and ive got to start all over again… i dont know if he remembers anything that hez learnt… anyways im not gonna give up… good luck to you too… :slight_smile: