Dental check up for my son

Hey there! Have any of you know the right age we should bring our child to the dentist for the first time? I found a blog regarding this while I was searching ( ) and it explains that age ‘two’ is the latest any parent should wait to take their child to the dentist. My son is 5 years old and I didn’t bring him yet to the dentist. Will it create any problems? I’m scared. Should I take regular dental check up for him from this age itself? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

I’m by no means an expert, but I did read that as soon as they start getting teeth it’s good to bring them in. I wouldn’t worry too much as he will be losing the baby teeth at some point anyway. I’d just get in as soon as you can find someone good. I’m sure he’ll be just fine!
Good luck,
Another mom trying to figure it all out. :slight_smile: