Dedication to Sandy Hook Victims

My girls have a band called Davida and they just wrote this song dedicated to the parents of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting. If you like it, please share it.

Wow Krista, what a beautiful tribute - I’m crying watching it, especially the part about the pictures still on the walls… Can you please post it on the FB page so I can share it there?

Krista, thank you for sharing!! It was so-o heart touching.Tell your girls – they have very beautiful hearts

Thank you. I was out Sunday and when I came back they played me their new song. I was bawling. I couldn’t believe that they could capture all those wonderful things about childhood. They stayed up late last night creating their video. I will see if I can post it now on Facebook.

Oh Krista!
Please give each of your beautiful, talented, and loving precious girls an extra hug from me.
The kindness and love in their hearts moved me to tears…
What a wonderful way to Share their empathy and extend their hearts in the wake of such an AWFUL event.
Also, a huge hug and hopes that I am able to raise my daughter with the depth of love and grace that you have managed with your lovely girls…

Simply beautiful.
And I must say I have heard your girls sing and play before but this one is much improved. Their harmonies are better and they seem to gel better as a group now. Lovely.

Thanks for the beautiful replies Keri and Manda. I will show them your comments. I know they will be touched by them. Thank you.