dd lost interest in LR, what can i do please

my dd is 9 months old and just won’t sit still or concentrate when showing words on LR. when she was much younger, she absolutely loved it, we did it at least 3 times everyday and she had even started to recognize a few words, but i just noticed she tries to close the laptop when we start now, or will wriggle herself off me and crawl away.

I stopped showing it to her for sometime, hoping it’s just a phase and soon she’ll miss the lessons and want them again, when we restarted, she would sit for about half of it and look elsewhere or just get very distracted.

she’s a very active baby and always wants to be on the move, so that’s probably why she wouldn’t sit through it.

my questions are;

  1. should i just persist and maybe she’ll come around.
  2. should i just show her the word and picture flash ans skip the multisensory bit, cause the flash words are quicker to go through.
    3.does anyone else have this sort of experience
  3. would it be better to make our own words instead of using the curricullum. i’m very busy so trying to upload personal pictures and videos are a bit tasking at the moment, but if that’ll help,maybe i’ll give it a go.
  4. or is it just possible all this is not for all babies.

thanks a lot for reading.your reply would be really appreciated.

Hi Zoe,

It may be that she already knows most of the words in the curriculum and hence does not find it challenging enough or is bored by seeing the same words.

Typically babies pay more attention to the multisensory section but if she prefers the flash lessons then do that.

I would also try finding and focusing on subjects that interest her. This is probably the most key. Look around the download section and see whether there’s anything that might interest her. Then you can mix them with other Categories so she can learn more than just that. But it’s really down to your own judgment during lesson time as to how long to show what and when.

And it may also be worthwhile to give it a break for a while. Some kids go through different phases.


Have you tried using pictures of objects around your house that your DD is familiar with? You can teach a lot with those…You could also use her pictures and those of your family members.

Keep the curriculum aside for sometime and you can try it after sometime.

My son had the same problem…I felt the curriculum was little too slow for him as he knew most of the words already…So now I am showing my own set of words in LR at a faster pace and showing the curriculum categories (the ones which I think he would like) separately…This way, we cover both words and the curriculum content at our own pace…

Also while using the curriculum categories, you may choose to modify a little…Perhaps flashing only the pictures or only the multisensory content would suffice (to keep up the interest)…After a little trial and error, you will find what best fits your schedule and your DD’s liking.


Zoe22. Glad to read my dd isn’t the only one who has lost interest. She loved LR for the first 80 days. I loved the cirriculum. Now she only cries when I start LR and asks for starfall.com instead. I tried not following the cirriculum, doing different languages, just showing the picture, just showing the words, and a few other variations. She cries at it all. I decided to give it a month break and then try again.

In the mean time I have been using the YBCR flashcards once a day and she still loves those. I have also been making my own Doman style flashcards, which sometimes she loves and sometimes she ignores. I just try to keep positive and do a little bit of what I can. Unfortunately, I have to remind myself daily that the magic of learning is within her and I have to follow her lead.

Good luck to you. Thanks for sharing.

well my daughter hated flashcards and LR from the beginning (at 6 months). It is only now at 14 months that she climbs on my lap to have a look at what i’m doing. To tell you the truth, she noticed there is a picture of a baby when the program is loading and it gets her interest. But even now i can only show her very limited categories. Well, only animals really. Anything else (dots, random words, even stories) she looks away and climbs down. So i do the animals in many languages et try to introduce her to the alphabet song in english… Not sure what i’m going to show her now…
Good luck!