Day Schedule for 21-22 month old

How does day - night schedule look for 21-22 month old toddler? How much time do they sleep (night + day), what do they eat, how many time during the day do they eat/drink (do you try to include all food categories suggested by food pyramid in their daily meals?), what do they learn at what time? I just need some guideline for planning schedule for toddlers. Feed back from working and SAHParents are appreciated. Thanks.

My 2 year old spends about 9 hours MAX sleeping in a day. 8 at night and a 1 hour nap late afternoon. Sometimes we skip the nap and she will sleep 9 hours. On the negative side she is awake a lot and I do not get anytime to myself. On the positive side there is lots and lots of time for teaching opportunities.

I feed her about 4 times a day. I try for every meal to have 2 fruit or vegtable, 1 source of protien, and 1 serving of dairy. In between meals she snacks on lots of crackers and cereals. She eats a lot and at least 90% of it is healthy and a good variety. The other 10% I try not to worry about, a piece of chocolate birthday cake is fine.

While there are “typical schedules” for most 2-year olds (or close-to) Of course - it all depends on how many naps your child currently takes and for how long. By about the age of 2 - most kids are transitioning from the 2-3 nap schedule to the 1 nap in the middle of the day - early afternoon. Most children will sleep a total of 10-13 hours at night and 1-3 in the daytime.

Meals should consist of a protein, vegetable, fruit, and grain, with a drink. Limit fruit juices and sugary foods. I agree with the 90% good food and 10% for “other”

Snacks are much lighter - could be crackers & cheese, a cheese stick & fruit, fruit & yogurt, dry cereal, popcorn, etc.

We usually have fruit as a dessert in our house - so when we splurge and make ice cream or have chocolate it’s a BIG treat!!! Not forbidden at all - just not the “norm”

So here is a (very rough) idea of a schedule for a typical 2-year old…

8:00 am wake up time
8:30 get dressed
8:45 breakfast
9:15 reading time
10:00 gross motor (use large muscles) something outside, walking riding bike, running etc…
11:00 snack
11:15 arts and crafts
11:30 lunch
12:00/12:30 nap time
2:30 snack
3:00 music time/sing and dance
3:30 go for walk
4:30 snack
4:45/5:00 independent playtime with blocks, toys etc… (you can get dinner started during this time)
6:00 dinner
6:30 bathtime
7:00 read some stories or quiet activities to wind down a bit
7:30/8:00 bedtime

remember that if you are using Brill Kids products - videos, flashcards, etc…you can sub that into any of the areas for playtime/reading/outdoor time - it’s your call - you have to do what works for your child!!

Good luck…


Great schedule!! I’m impressed you’re outside so much - nearly 2 hrs of walking (or similar)!!?

I have a VERY active child - and we are lucky to live in california - so the weather is usually nice. I use our outside time for learning - looking for bugs, and animals, climbing, playing games where she identifies things. We take picnics, talk about nature, all sorts of things - plus on days when I am feeling uninspired, the playground is just downstairs - so there is NO excuse not to get her out for fresh air!!!

On Rainy/cold days I still try to get her out - splash in puddles, feel the rain on our hands or face, just walk and smell the fresh air! Then we come inside and get warm & dry and do art and such. Those are also the days I tend to let her watch a video and have popcorn!!!

You are very cool mom :slight_smile:

I love Mommy2keaylan’s schedule. Seems very normal and similiar to lots of my friends. My dd schedule is very odd in comparison, but it seems to work for her.

9:30 Wake up and Independent Play - she likes to sit and read or do puzzles by herself in the morning.
10:30 breakfast and a quick Doman session
11:00 Get dressed - She now wants to do this herself so it takes a very long time
12:00 - Game time (Memory games, counting games, word games, cards, etc.) or craft time or computer time (starfall and LM or LR)
1:00 - Lunch
1:30 - Leave the house time. Somedays this is her walking or playing outside in the snow or at the park. Other days it is her riding in the stroller while we do errands. Sometimes it is a drive to a playdate. Whatever it is, it means us leaving the house and no matter how I try I never get out the door before this. Don’t ask me to attend a morning event - at this stage of my parenting I consider it impossible!
3:00 Back at home. If our outing wasn’t active for her I use this for physical time - dancing or obstacle courses in the house. If the outing was active I use this as downtime, reading or puzzles. I can often leave her for independent play for a while as well.
4:00 Snack and quick Doman Session.
4:30 No more naps for her, she wasn’t sleeping enough at night, to avoid her getting cranky at this time I give her lots of attention after her snack. We do more crafts/puzzles/games/reading/computer time/joint activity stuff.
5:30 Dinner prep.and I try to engage her help with cooking or cleaning.
6:30 Dinner and Doman Session.
7:00 Thankfully Dad has arrived home! A new person to entertain her. Dad does Doman Balance Program with her.
8:00 Independant play. (I’m trying to do SOMETHING to make this house look cleaner!)
9:00 Story time - she likes way too many to read them before bed. So I have learned to read them early to simplify bedtime.
10:00 Computer time -I’m too exhausted to do anything else. She has WAY more energy than me.
11:00 very small snack or maybe just a drink.
11:30 Pajama time - she likes to do this herself so it takes a LONG time.
Midnight: Potty time. Teethbrushing.
12:30 Hopefully she is ready to go to BED!!! I like to start around 12:30 but honestly she can go to bed as late as 2:30ish and one night it was 4:30AM however most nights she is asleep by 1am.

The days seem to last forever. About once every 3 months the T.V. temptation is too much and I let her have at it for an hour or so.

I Like your schedule Khatty. I will try to work on for my toddler…

Wow khatty - that is a long day! I’m exhausted just reading it!

Hey guys I need some advise here:
My toddler was doing very well until I started her Montessori . She does not like getting up in the morning and she has become a very fussy eater and every thing is a mess also I am in school so it is making a lot of problem.
She had started to read some words but she does not want to even look at them It seems like she has a mind made up or she thinks that I am a terrible mommy for putting her away from me. She has become very close to her dad than me it almost feels like a part of me is missing… :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Dear Ayana,

How old is your daughter? I had similar problems. I put my daughter in montessori at two and a half. She liked it in the first week but I was sitting in class. When I left in the second week she went hysterical and was like that for 2 months. She just didnt adapt. The security situation in the country forced me to take her out of school and she is much happier now. She kept telling me she didnt want me to leave and that the only thing she hated about school was that I left her there. I think maybe when she is older, say three, she may adapt better. Perhaps if your child is young, you can wait for a while. My daughter is thriving being at home and I am doing a bit of homeschooling.

Thank you for your answer yeah she has a same problem but I am in school and cannot take her out. :frowning: I don’t know how can I make things right for her now .
Thanks for your support God bless