((( DadDude ))) Question for you about YBCR

Hi DadDude,

You mentioned in a recent post that you talked to Dr. Titzer and asked him a question about what to do after the YBCR program. How did you get in touch with him? Does he have an email? I emailed the company through their website but only got a customer service rep to respond and they weren’t very helpful. I want to suggest to Dr. Titzer that he make a lot more of the word cards with the sliding photos. My daughter loves that type of flash card and I would love to have 1000s of them for her.

He has his own blog. You might be able to get in touch with him that way: http://www.teachyourbaby.com/

Interestingly enough, he is not directly associated with http://www.yourbabycanread.com/ any longer, so you probably couldn’t contact him through that site.

But as far as I know, he still owns and runs the international sales program: http://www.infantlearning.com/

So you could try the latter URL for contact info (can’t find any there myself!). I have his e-mail but I don’t know if he would want me to give it out publicly… He strikes me as being rather generous with his time.

I’ll forward the URL for this thread to him.

I didn’t know about his website. It’s nice to know there are more materials available. Have you used any other materials besides the learning kit?

Thank you for sharing the website!

Yes, we did–the various concept books. By the time we got them, though, he had outgrown them. I think they’d be useful but frankly I’m not sure they’d be that much more useful than a lot of other concept books you can find at your bookstore or library.

Would you recommend any titles of concept books?

Sorry, pretty soon they all run together. There are ZILLIONS of series of these books in any decent-sized library. Just go to the picture book part of your library and start looking for rows of books that all look the same…many of those are series about seasons, occupations, vehicles, etc. A lot of the topics popular with brillkids.com, come to think of it!

Well, actually there is not a book store where I live :frowning: So I usually buy my books from amazon.com . I checked and they have some titles, I usually prefer to get titles that have been recommended. Thanks anyways! :smiley:

Not a library either?

This might be a place to start… http://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/books/2753/ref=pd_ts_b_nav

As a genre, they’re pretty dull, but they do the job and my boy always seemed to like them.

Try this http://www.google.com/search?q=children's+concept+books the first PDF listed is a bibliography of concept books.

Well, what can I say? You can’t expect to have a great library in a town of 10,000 people. :nowink: Believe me, I go to the library every week to see what I can find for my girl.

Thank you so much for the links! They are great :smiley:

FWIW I live in a town with 10,000 people too and our library ain’t great either…if yours is like ours, it’s probably got hundreds of concept books. If you go to yours so regularly you probably already have read many of these books, you just didn’t know they were called concept books!

Thanks DadDude!
I did email him from his blog. Hopefully he’ll write back.