DadDude/Larry Sanger says "hi" - he´s very busy with his new

To avoid that you´ll miss DadDude´s “hi” to the community, I open an extra thread with his message here (originated from the post

DadDude send me the following message for everybody in an email:
“I have even less time than usual. If you talk to the people on BrillKids, you can tell them I said “hi” and sorry I can’t spend more time there. is occupying all of my time apart from teaching my sons”
And later “Yes, please do mention it. I’ll open it up to all my BK friends, just ask for an invite!”

We miss you, DadDude, and hope you can spend some time here again with us in the future. In the meantime, good luck for your new endeavour!

Can I have an invite please?

Thanks in advance,

Just ask him for an invite on please, he won´t be reading your request here.