Critical Thinking - Cancer, Autism

I find critical thinking crucial to life. Several people confuse critical thinking with the scientific method that can take years to produce any results. Critical thinking is what a scientist would use to initially propose his/her theory, that is later supported by years of evidence using the scientific method.

With my recent purchase of the vita-mix machine I have been doing research on vitamins, nutrients and foods. With my husband’s cancer, obviously, cancer is one concern. My research has led me to believe that the B17 vitamin deficiency can cause cancer and eating whole foods certain grains and seeds of fruits is an interesting theory that I am going to pursue further. Another thing I read says you have to eat pineapple in conjunction with the seeds because it has an enzyme that helps breakdown the wall of the cancer cells. The vita-mix machine tells you to include the pineapple core.

Whether this is true or all BS, I am not sure not enough evidence yet. The guy with cancer on vita-mix testimonials claims that his modifications of his eating saved his life. The vita-mix machine makes many claims like lowering cholesterol, helping with blood sugar, and preventive medicine for heart disease and cancers.

I was also interested in autism because my grandson was late to talk and still is lagging in the speech department. I think there are some people on this forum that are dealing with autism and I found what I read about vitamin D deficiencies to be really interesting. Here is the article.

Here is some critical thinking, John Kanzius invented a machine that may cure cancer without chemotherapy. It shows promise in animal studies but is still waiting approval for human trials.;cbsCarousel
(eta: this isn’t the video I was looking for, will update later)

Here is the video I intended to post.;photovideo

I really hope the machine works and does cure cancer. Until then keep juicing, after 2 semesters of organic chemistry I have no doubt the vitamins are beneficial.

Have you considered having your grandson evaluated for late speech development? I’m taking my son in next week for delays with eating; it is free through the special education department of the local school district (Oregon).

He is already in a program and I am working with him. He was just two months early at birth is most of the problem and a boy :). We started at 16 months. He is talking now it is just difficult to understand him.

Some boys are just slow, I’m sure my brother would have been diagnosed with a bunch of disorders if he had been born recently. He did not talk until age 3, but once he started talking became a predominantly verbal person, he is the one who taught me to speed read and he could easily put away 3-4 Hardy Boys in a day, and I wanted to know how and he “taught” me. He was a gifted student in school, and a perfectly normal “bright” adult. I just want to point out that it is not always a disorder, at times late talking is a variation of normal so don’t panic. Our boys are developing slowly, we have to give them a chance.