Created a reading monster :)

I started Brillkids with my son at 22 months when I found out about it. He always loved me to read to him and had a crazy attention span. We would get 50 library books and he would pretty much sit until I got through all of them. At 4 he got glasses and started reading on his own a few days later. Now, 9 months later, he can read at least as fast as I can and he can read almost any word. His love of books has not decreased and I just don’t know how to keep up with him. We have hundreds of books and I buy lots of books and magazines on eBay and go to the library frequently but I can’t get enough for him to read.

The other day I got 75 library books and he would do nothing else until he read them all, which he did in about 8 hours of being awake. He doesn’t like to re-read things frequently because he memorizes them all the first time. He can read paperback chapter books, the ones with pictures every few pages, but he still prefers picture books. I even get new books and save them and he negiotiates with me to try to earn the new books faster.

I am so overwhelmed and I feel like I am not giving him all that he needs but I really don’t know how to get more material for him. Anyone have advice or in a similar situation?

No advice–wish we had your problem! :laugh:

If it were me, I would probably set the days on the calendar that we go to the library (2-3 times per week). I would set a timer and let him spend X number of hours at the library, and he could check out X number of books. I would probably also introduce some sports/crafts/outdoor hobbies (or whatever floats his boat) just for diversity to make him as well rounded as possible. Is he going to school or are you homeschooling him? You may also want to check out some gifted programs locally and some gifted forums online (most of the parents on his forum have not yet reached this point so our input may not be as helpful). This might be a good place to start .

Great job to the both of you! What words of advice do you have to parents who are currently on this journey of helping their kids read early and creating a lifetime love of books?

I just reread this and it may come across that this approach would stifle the child’s growth. Reading is WONDERFUL, the cap would only be for my sanity so take my advice with a grain of salt. haha Hmmm…what if you allowed him to get into reading more technical books and starting to apply those concepts to build things?? Simple machines, radios, etc.

Hi Cassidy,

My son’s not quite so avid a reader as yours, but he does enjoy his books. Since he was little, he’s always prefered the bookstore to a toy shop. If I wanted him to behave, all I’d have to do was promise a trip to the bookstore. It is an expensive exercise trying to keep up with the books and it’s unfortunate for us because we don’t really have many libraries here, especially not good ones. We took him to a library when we were in Australia for a holiday and he was in heaven.

We sort of solve the problem by going to the bookstore (Borders is his favourite recently) and he just sits and reads books off the shelve. I know, it’s dreadful we don’t buy them but I figure there’s not much point if he’s only going to read them once. Plus, he’s really careful with books and he handles them really well so I figure there’s no harm done :-p I’ve already bought lots of books and am out of shelf space. I’ve even cleared my husband’s wardrobe space to make room for his books (and received a lot of complaints about it!) If we had a good library here, I’d spend more time there.

I’m curious about the glasses part… was there a particular condition that needed correction?

What about ebooks? Or Online book subscription. I know reading from a screen is not great for little eyes, but a set about per day might be helpful.

Mee to concernec abt glasses. good job! Amazing that he can read so well.

if glasss are because he is straining his eyes give him plus/reading glasses instead not negative power ones they’ll only let him see text smaller and strain his eyes more and the number will get worse.

sorry to give unasked advice but my DH has bad eyes cuz his parents didn’'t know. I hate any kid to go through that.