
My son is now 8.5 months and has FINALLY decided that tummy time is fun! He’s gone from rolling onto his front twice in three months to twice in three minutes :slight_smile: I’m thrilled with the progress, since reflux has made tummy time torture for him before.
The problem is that he just doesn’t go anywhere. He pushes up well, but when he tries to move his arms are out to the side and up in the air and his legs are flailing above the floor like he’s swimming. I try to encourage him to push down with his feet, but unless I am physically pushing his legs, he doesn’t move. The most he manages is a slight turn to one side or another.
Does anyone know anything I can do to help him, or should I just leave him to figure it out on his own? It is frustrating both of us as he really wants to move!

Congratulations! Sounds like your son will be crawling very soon :yes:
From the book “How to teach your baby physically superb” by Doman I’ve learned that first goes purpose and then goes movement:
You need to put some bright attractive toys a little ahead of him to give him a purpose to move and incourage him to try to reach them and crawl towards those toys,
once the baby reached the toy do not take it right away from him, let him play with it.

I rolled a towel and place it under his tummy to give him a little support. Soon he will get it and stick his bunbun out. He will learn that staying that postion he can wiggle around a bit. and like Nadiad said, then you put his fav. toy just out of reach to encourage him to crawl :slight_smile: good luck :slight_smile: have fun!!

My son could move himself around pretty well for quite some time just by spinning or rolling around. When he finally started to push himself but wasn’t really going anywhere, I put a stack of cd jewel cases a couple of feet in front of him. It was something my son knew wasn’t his, so he was more than happy to try his hardest to get them. He had no problem crawling after that.

Also, I hear that certain flooring, like carpet, is not good for learning to crawl.

Thanks for the encouragement :biggrin: He’s been flailing around for over a month and I was really starting to wonder whether he’d ever get it! But it seems I should just continue as I have been doing and he’ll get there eventually…

Have you heard about crawling tracks? If you do a search, there are some great threads talking about how they work & how to make or where to buy one.

What do you mean by crawl? On the belly, like an army crawl, or on hands and knees which Doman calls creeping?

When Zed was doing his superman thing, he would still [belly] crawl in a crawling track. However it was almost 2 months between then and when he started creeping.

We did not help him at all. We put him on the floor on his tummy and gave him some things to go towards. We often just put nesting cups in a row one every foot or so, with the biggest one closest to him. He wouldn’t be able to see any other until he picked one up, then he could see the next one a foot away. He would drop the one he had and move on.

What an interesting way of estimulating him to go for it. I have to keep all this ideas for a next grandchild.

We have a crawling track, but he makes no more progress in it than on the floor :frowning: He just can’t figure out how to move forward in any way. He’s still a way off creeping, since he doesn’t push up all the way on his arms, just onto elbows, although he has got his bum up a few times :slight_smile: I try to keep him motivated to move forward, but he just doesn’t seem able at the moment. Even on an inclined track he only manages a few centimeters!
But hopefully that will all change soon - you’ve given me some great ideas to try :smiley:

My DD never crawled/creeped (neither did I as a baby). We didn’t do anyhting special exept putting toys ahead of her and I put DD on the carpet, on the tile and on the wood floor (for a smooth glide if she wants to move) - nothing happened. After she started walking (at 13 months) she mastered creeping /crawling and now she is running around with no problem. So if your baby doesn’t want to creep/crawl don’t get frustrated about it, it will happen sooner or later.