crawling track

Anyone know anything about crawling tracks?

That is funny! lol I just asked the same questions in the post for “teach your child to be physically superb”. We’ll see if someone can help us :unsure:

I don’t know anything about the tracks, but apparently you build them and attach it to your bed so that your baby can crawl around the bed at night. I didn’t “get” why that was even a good idea, and I co-sleep with my baby, so I never investigated further. My baby was an average/late crawler (started creeping at 9.5 months and never belly-slithered), so it might have benefited him though. He crawls like a champion now, he is beginning to learn to walk, but I don’t feel the need to encourage that much, I just let him crawl more. I think the amount of crawling is what counts.

Thanks - yes, does sound strange - around the bed

The crawling track does not have to be around the bed. That is an option. What DD suggests is a crawling track where the baby can spend most of his time (it can be only during the day). The best advantage of the crawling track is that as the baby naturaly wiggles he starts pushing himself with his toes from the sides. I think this is great, since they see they DO move and are not just going around in circles (as when they are in a mat, a play pen or on the floor). Pretty soon they see they can get to their toys or something that interests them by themselves. It does get them to crawling much faster. And from my experience, they cry less. They enjoy being where they can control their movements.

I never heard of a crawling tracks…I just put my daughter on the floor on a mat…they sound like a good idea though.

So are they only for children who arent crawling?


If you guys type in “crawling track” into the search box near the top-right of the page, you will get many other posts about them. Many members have shared their experiences with them, as well as how they made them.

my doughter is using my body as a crawling track. I think there are some possibilities :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I used it for my latest- I have the ASICS one that GD sells- it’s a sturdy track about 3 1/2 feet long - the idea is that they can sleep in it and use it from day one in the hospital- I waited until day 3 and she got the hang of crawling quickly- it’s expensive though- maybe making one is the cheaper way to go- my daughter did use it all the time for her first 4 months, then less in month 5 as she was more mobile- anyone wanna buy mine lol!?

the bottle is laughing out loud here- not trying to sell it by the way just making a joke

Hahahha! :slight_smile:

Crawling track can be used to help ur child to learn crawl fast.It should be 14’’ wide and 6’’ high on both the sides.It is covered by linonium or vinyl. :slight_smile:

JCS, i was actually hoping you really meant to sell your crawling track. It’s a bit expensive buying it plus my LO is nearly 4 months. i wonder if there’s any point even getting one now. how long should they use it, is it just till they start creeping properly.

My youngest is now four months, and I have decided not to get one. Maybe if I have a third, I will start from the beginning.

crawling track is a great device, I wish I new about it when my son was little, he never crawled
I will definitely use it with my next child