crawling helps baby

hi, I realise that crawling helps babies as I have read all the Glen Doman books so I have been trying to get my baby to crawl on hands and knees. He has been crawling on his belly for 4 months, he is 10 months now and pulling himself up and walking a bit with help but I really want him to crawl on hands and knees and he is making no sign of it. How can I help him to do this?

we had the same issue - our son only crawls as a game we had to be dogs and tigers cats with him it was the only time he would crawl otherwise all he wanted to do was get up and walk.

I figured rather than stopping him I’d just make crawling a game and exercise done while learning to walk rather than an intermediary step - sometimes our kids just have their own ideas on things.

I would recommend NOT to offer any help to a baby with walking. If the baby is not walking on his own yet, he would have to try crawling to get him where he wants… I may force him to try crawling a bit more efficiently (or start walking on his own). I would encourage to do so by crawling correctly by myself…

My baby is 6 months old but he rolls out at his one side and dont knwo how to turn again.
He moves himself when he is on his belly.


my baby is now walking around the furniture with no help and not falling much, if he has to go somewhere he crawls on his belly anywhere, all over the house, he has been crawling on belly very fast for months, what does crawling more efficiently mean?

I tried physically putting him on his knees and holding his belly up a little bit for him but he just flops onto his belly again, if he was pattern crawling on his belly I think it wouldn’t be so bad because it is similar to pattern crawling on hands and knees but he is sliding his belly and kicking out his legs a bit like swimming. I have also got on the floor and showed him how to do and so have my other children.

Any more help on this subject would be appreciated.

Friction! The harder it is for the baby to belly crawl, the more likely they are to get up on their hands and knees and creep.

But don’t worry about it. Babies need to do a certain amount of crawling, but they don’t need to it before they walk. Even a walking baby needs to go up and down stairs on hands and knees for example. Making a game of creeping and incorporating it into play will get toddlers creeping again. Zed creeped for quite a while before he walked alone, but we still encourage creeping whenever possible. Ikea, and I’m sure other stores as well, sell tunnels that kids love. Obstacle courses as well.

This topic has come up a few times before. Here’s a recent one:

Thanks for all the comments, we’ll persevere and try the obstacles and tunnels to see how it goes.

My baby is six and a half moths old and he moves backwardys in front and sideways on his tummy. When I put his toys in front of him he pulls the blanket they are on closer to him.

Our little boy, 7 months just started to crawl, and he is trying to do it on his hands and knees, but still mostly does moving on his tummy. However my first baby, girl, stated walking at 8 months, and never crawled. We never encouraged her to walk, but she just did… We used crawling track with her, she just pulled herself up on the side and used it as a prop for getting up lol So I guess every baby is different. :slight_smile:

Skylark, my girl is the same. She is 5 months old and already stands up pulling at our hands and then balancing herself, using our thumbs. I try to make her hang from my thumbs - Doman style, in preparation of brachiation… We have been encouraging her to crawl, crawling track and floor. Doman says it is important for a child’s language development - helps the lungs, etc. So she has been trying really hard to crawl on her tummy of late. She rotates 360 degrees but we are encouraging her to crawl forward as well… I have talked about my experience in a previous post…

Well since my last entry baby is now crawling on hands and knees but only to get to somewhere so that he can pull himself up and walk around holding on. I found that if he is continually on the floor he will just do it when he is ready. He was on belly going backwards first, then around in a circle, then forwards on belly for a long time. I have no carpet so I brought my rug into the kitchenette and because he couldnt slide along well on it it forced him to lift his belly up, so anyone with carpet is at an advantage.

But hooray at last he is on his hands and knees and he will copy us if we are on our hands and knees. Anyone out there waiting for their baby to do this my advice is, give time and opportunity and carpet and it will come.

Next step walking and going for slow walks in the park.

MommyofEva your baby sounds just like mine. She loves standing and walking and just frustrates herself kicking her legs in the air instead of crawling. She just started the spinning in circles thing a week or two ago and I have heard from several moms that that came just before belly crawling so I am hopeful. I just have to keep reminding myself not to fret. Give her lots of floor time and it will come.

yes if baby gets lots of time on belly on the floor he will eventually crawl, maybe belly sliding first and then crawling, but with the crawling i found the carpet really helps, it’s patience us mums need, it will all happen in their time.