cranky/frustrated baby - will early learning help & which books to start with

Hi all ,
I’ve dabbled in early learning for my first born and he is going well but nothing extraordinary. He is 3 and starting to read a bit but I’ve never pushed it. He has never been a really keen learner in an academic sort of way - prefers to work things out on his own - I don’t want to be the sort of parent who tries to make early learning ‘fun’ through gritted teeth to a reluctant child!

My second baby, a 5 month old girl, is so very cranky and moody compared to him! She is a terrible sleeper too - hates bed!. I’ve been trying to understand her and have had a few people mention she is very alert and some of the whining may be frustration. She is only consistently happy outward facing, in a carrier, and when I am out and about. She also enjoys little reader, and kicks her legs in excitement. I do not do any other early learning with her other than recite poems and talk to her.

I am just wondering whether anyone has had experience with a baby like this and does more focused early learning help?

Either way, I was interested in the trying some Doman suggestions for physical development as I believe she will be happier when she can move. What book would you suggest I begin with? I was looking at Fit Baby Smart Baby. Is that any good?

Thanks for any ideas!

I have not had a cranky baby so much, but I think all kids are happier when they can move. I would definitely start with Fit Baby, Smart Baby. I believe it’s the rewrite of How Smart Is Your Baby, which I love.

If she loves LR, I would add more EL to her day and see how it goes. How about math dots? At that age my kids loved them, even more than words.

Check out the language section of Fit Baby; there are things to do without needing supplies. Also, have you read NurtureShock? It has a good chapter on language acquisition.

How do you feel about more screen time? LR has tons of general knowledge stuff you can add on. My youngest adored Signing Time at that age and learned a lot of sign without any input from me.

If not, I would go for pictures of animals and telling facts about them. That was always a big hit with my kids.

If you don’t spend too much time preparing, I find it’s easier to let them do as much as they want and not to try to force them to have fun. I usually only do that when I’ve invested a lot of time it money into the program.

I would definitely try a few things and see if it cheers her up. It certainly can’t hurt, and it would be great if it helped!

Thank you for your reply. I will purchase fit baby smart baby today. I will also look into signing time and whether you can purchase in Australia. My youngest used to watch a baby signing video too and learnt a lot from it.

I saw an infant psychologist about baby yesterday. It was very insightful. She basically said that she is genetically/temperamentally a sensitive baby. Her emotions are stronger than the average baby and they intensify fast. She gave me some tips to help her learn to regulate her emotions. She said she will ‘keep me on my toes’. She is going to be lots of work!

Mmm, sounds like an advertisement to me…