cranky child

hey everybody i am anishkas mom
my princess was a lil angel
but off lately she has turned into a monster please help

First, rule out is she sick, ear infection, anemic (by lately, do you mean the last few days or the last few months?)

Then ask yourself, is she getting enough sleep? I see some parents that have a child this age and they are allowed to stay up so late at night because they seem busy and so active and they don’t want to go to bed easily. Establish a very consistent bedtime and bedtime routine, consistent naptime (if she still naps… I think it’s still needed at this age), consistent waking-up times… and stick to it even if she doesn’t want to go to bed. If we have company or something and they get to stay up late, I see my little ones getting really busy and active, but it’s a different kind of busy… they are going from one activity to another, their attention span is much shorter, and I can see that really they are just over-tired.

Toddlers are very smart and they easily figure out too that if they cry and fuss they are more likely to get what they want and quicker. It’s hard to avoid completely, but with my own kids, if they whine for something then I model how I’d like them to ask and, if they’re old enough, I insist to hear them ask nicely before they get what they want. If they ask nicely the first time then I try to praise them for asking so nicely.

When they are babies, they only have needs, but as they get older they have more and more wants and you can’t give them whatever they want all the time… they have to learn to accept the word “no”. When you say “no” to something, make sure that no amount of crying or whining or anything will ever change your mind. Using the word “later” gives you the freedom to change your mind later. When you are consistent with this, then I think they give up quicker after you say “no”. They need clear boundaries to feel secure and happy… having too much freedom and always getting what they want to make them feel happy all the time does not make them feel secure.

But they are still so little at that age… there are a lot of frustrating things at that age… they can’t always tell you what they want, and they aren’t yet capable to do all the skills they want to do… so that’s what I mean – you can’t completely avoid the crankiness at that age… it’s not easy being two. Just be patient and consistent and do your best… this too shall pass.