Couplets in Spanish

Hello everyone, I’m a bit confused right now. I’m about starting showing my baby couplets and as some of you might remember I’m teaching her three languages, english, spanish and french. The thing is that I know that Doman says that when it comes to Actions they most be used this way: “mommy is running” instead of “mommy runs” for example. What I’d like to know is if it would be the same way in spanish “mamá está corriendo” or “mamá corre” because I introduced the verbs in infinitive and not conjugated :confused:

Hopefully my question won’t be as confusing as I’m feeling now. Thank you all!! :clown:

Anyone? Please :blush:

Hi Yesh,
I am teaching my 28 months how to read since she was 11 months old. I actually thought her both ways but I have to say she picked up faster the verbs finish in “ando”“endo” she reads them and also whenever she wants to tell me something she uses them. I thought it will be harder for her than the simple way but I think I was wrong.
I wouldn’t be worried about it…maybe just teach him first what you think you will use in your dairy vocabulary most like I personal use the verbs ando endo that is why she knows them better than the other way…but she sometimes uses the simple form as well.
I am teaching my daughter spanish,english but also chinese. I am glad to find parents like you in the forum with some iqual goals!!
cheers :biggrin:

Hi PY thank you for your answer and sorry for the delay. I will do it as you said, the way I use more often which is ando iendo as well. I’m a spanish speaker and english is my second language, ironically I found it more confusing to apply Doman’s method in spanish but I believe it’s due to the lack of resources in other languages. I’m currently teaching her french too and it is so cool because we can learn a lot too :laugh: maybe I will try chinese too in the future. I started to teach her when she was 4 months old, now she’s 8 1/2 months and I’m about to introduce couplets. Do you think I started too early? Am I following a good process here? Thank you again!

Well, you better tha nme know if yourc daughter feels confortable with it, she will let you know. Some children pick up faster than other ones(not because they are smarter or anything like that, I think is because they are interested in different things at that time). Also like I said you need to speak to her as well a lot!!! Make simple sentences because they will picki it up, do no confused them telling them or explaining them with a lot of information at the same time, just be simple ( I refering when you talk to the…if you talk about a square…just tell them it is a red square…don’t go Because has 4 sides and count them and all the thing…they will loss it, this is from my personal experience, once they know what a square is now you can introduce them…why we call it a square).
Call me crazy but I also follow some Montessori steps, like teach her to be independent, learn by feeling, be close to nature. I am trying to get the most of different program to make it in One program.(Montessori,Waldorf,Right brain education and modern education)
Please feel free to contact me if you have any more questions, I will be glad to dive you some other ideas, and I am sure you can give me some ideas in my blog as well.!!/msg54894/?topicseen

I don’t know anything about Montessori I will read about it now and see what can I apply with my child. I just checked your blog and liked it a lot, I want some of those toys you’re showing :smiley: