couplets and phrases

Hi everybody,

I was hoping you could help me.

I was wondering if there are a ‘specific amount’ of couplets and phrases you should show your child when teaching them to read. In Doman’s book How to multiply your baby’s intelligence it recommends you teach 200 single words but has no specific number on couplets or how often they should be flashed?

Any one who has followed the Doman method can you please elaborate on this. Should I make 100 couplets and phrases and show my toddler those in separate groups 3x a day? 'a bit confused. I have taken a long time to progress my daughter and have just realised that I have held her back to some degree mainly because I don’t really know what I’m doing.

I am following LR curriculum but feel I need to back this up hand written couplets and phrases.

Thanks Kimbaxx

Dear Kimba,

I am going to create 50 couplets/phrases (from the 200 words) which take one month to cycle through using the Doman method schedule. Please see attached spreadsheet/planner is based on Judy Mendes original schedule (Reply #24 > ), and automated by MTB999 and Joha.

Please let me know if you need any other help.

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

Wow, Ayesha, I have said this before but I would like to say it again. You are truly such an organized person. wow. Karma to you

Dear Saniso,

Thanks. I have to be organized or I go nutssssssssssss! :wacko: And I was sooo happy when Mrs. Judy Mendes had uploaded her schedule because she was working and doing all the Doman programs! I also wanted to “see” the schedule as described in the book.

And I am unsure about the phrases schedule - is it 5 phrases per day or 2 sets of 5 phrases? Anybody know? I will also call IAHP to double check because I am confused between the book and Judy’s original file where the overview is 5 phrases; but her schedule is 2 sets of 5 per week (40 couplets is what she planned; and I discovered in the scheudle that it is 50 for 4 weeks).

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

Ayesha your schedules are great!

As for how many couplets and phrases you need to show - follow your childs lead and trust me they can lead from even before 14 months! If she’s bored then do something else. I moved my daughter to sentences very early on and yet we do still show her couplets and phrases at times. Mostly I just stuck the individual flashcards I had made together and didn’t write more as it was just too much work. Using LR is much easier for making couplets and we used this too - it also made it possible to go to stories with one sentence per page very quickly.

As long as its fun you are doing the right thing. Even Doman said that no matter what method parents used their children learnt to read so don’t stress too much about schedules - some days you will probably do none or when you plan to do a lot your child will have a toothache and another day when you thought you’d get nothing done they’ll read a whole sentence. Good luck.