Countries of the World

Good printables. Countries of the world, flag, currency, language.

Thank you for sharing :wink:

susan khan

Very nice web site. Has lots of information. I love the countries of the world printables

I also found some nice printables at the National Geographic site.


Did you find printables for the countries in the National Geographic Site? I couldn’t find any. If you did, could you please share the link?


I googled (because I, of course, forgot to bookmark it!) “National Geographic Countries Printables”.

This is the link to the list of countries:

After you choose the country you want to learn you’ll be given a few other options like: Map, Facts, Video, Printables, etc. When you choose printables it gives you the option of printing it out in a little recipe card size. When you scroll down further, there is a long list of facts that cover geography, history, nature, people & culture, and government.

I figured that if it was meant to be printed out, I could cut and paste the map and info as I saw fit. I also found a place to download flags, so I’ve included that, too on my bits (that I have yet to use!). Anyway, I’ve attached a few of mine. As you can see and I’m sure you’re aware, it’s hard to limit the information to 10 points and even to contain on one page! I’m not sure how I will use it exactly as they are not done in true bit form. I may have to do some work when I actually get to printing them off and using them, but in the mean time it will give you an idea of what is available through National Geographic.

Oh, when you’re on their site and want to find a new country use the 2nd tab that says “find”…don’t go to “main”. I know it sounds obvious, but at first I took a round about way to get back to the country listings and got muddled…

Hello, excellent tip. As a teacher I´ve just used in classes. Thanks a lot, it´s a way to help the students to understand better the country(ies).