Counting Cheerios

My son, who is one, doesn’t seem to like the red dots all that much. So, in the morning, when I give him Cheerios for breakfast I count a few out (without him hearing me count) and spread them on his high chair table while I say how many there are. Sometimes he looks at them before stuffing his mouth. Do you think this is profitable? His eye sight should be good enough to distinguish Cheerios even though they aren’t big and bright red, don’t you think? I thought about Fruit Loops, but couldn’t bring myself around to giving him that much sugar. So, am I crazy?

I think that’s a great idea! I think I will try it too. Gabriel is currently eating Kix.

If you’re crazy, so am I! lol

I actually started doing that just the other day! Although I’ve used baby goldfish crackers instead. My daughter seems to like it and pay attention before gobbling them down.

I do somehting similar though my son is older, I ask him how many goldfish he wants (he will say anything between one and 17) and then I count out that many and hand it to him. Then as he heats them I will say "oh you ate two now you have 6 (or whatever).

I think that’s a great idea!!

They even have a book that’s about counting cheerios (it’s a children’s book) where you’re supposed to place cheerios on the pages of the book to make silly patterns. I’m not sure it grows the brain or teaches math, but it’s fun.

we have that book! :slight_smile: haven’t used it for it;s purpose yet though… i should get it out and see if she likes it- thanks for the reminder!

We have the cheerio book too. They also make a Christmas one.

We buy an organic type of fruit loop. The color is almost as bright, but they have natural color & a lot less sugar.

Kix and ornganic Cheerios sound great! I’ll have to look for them when we get close to the bottom of this box of Cheerios. :smiley:

I think I saw a Cheerio book at the library once, I’ll have to look for it next time. (Not that I’ll ever put my boy’s Cheerios on a library book. :blink:

Wasn’t there an M&M book, too? I’ll have to go to the library soon.

I believe these books came free in a box of Cheerios or something.

Unfortunately, I don’t have the book, but my cousin has it for her son and loves it. I didn’t know there was a Christmas one!!

Learn something new everyday…

Haha- yeah, I know what you mean about the library books! They can be kind of scary. :slight_smile:

And yes, there is an M&M book too… we also have that one. :yes:

We just started addition using banana slices. :slight_smile:

Hi there,

What a fun idea!!!

We tried with smarties - he loved the game because if he got it right he got to eat one. Had to stop as it was just too much sugar!!! He was getting them all right. Think I’ll try the cheeiro idea or something similar.

Thanks for sharing!!!

ps. THen we are so enjoying all your downloads!!! Where do you get the time???


I’ve seen a jelly bean version too!

I’ll have to look for the jelly bean ones, too. I went and borrowed the M&M and Cheerios ones from teh library. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the encouragement. I’m glad you are enjoying the downloads. The boys and I have been enjoying making them. (Scrapbooking used to be one of my hobbies. This is like doing it with sound!) As to time, I should probably cut back a little. On the other hand, we aren’t plannning to do school (homeschool) for the next two weeks. :dry:

By the way, we used Kix the other day and it works great. And I can get into the 30s with them. :slight_smile:

Hi there,

Can someone tell me what Kix is?


Kix is another kind of cereal. They are little yellow balls instead of little doughnut shapes like Cheerios. They aren’t supposed to be too high in sugar. :happy:

They’re easier to eat too. They’re not as hard as cheerios and get softer faster when wet. Gabriel seems to like them better than cheerios.

Hi there,

Thanks for that!!!

KIX is a round cereal that tastes GREAT but, like cheerios, doesn’t have that much sugar or preservatives or “bad stuff”

Sorry–I see the question has been answered. I didn’t realize there was another page :blush:

Hi texaslady,

Thanks for that will look out for them.