Could you please give us feedback on math program you are using or ever used?

Hi, my daughter is going to be 27 months old and I would like to add something to our LM and Doman math program.
I have read discussions here on forum so I know there are people using various math programs.

I am quite impressed by soroban and also like numicon but not sure if they can go together.

Could you please introduce your math program you are using now and how old was your child when you first started it?

Many many thanks for your help :slight_smile:

We have used several math programs. I would recommend the book Kitchen Table Math. It addresses all the things a child needs to know from about 2-8. It doesn’t have worksheets, just lots of ideas on how to teach the basics. The thing I liked most about the book is that it covers common obstacles a child has to understanding a particular concept and then ideas to overcome them.

MEP Math - This is a free program from the UK based on the Hungarian model. It is much like Singapore Math, but I think it is better. It is very parent intensive. You could start an advanced child on this as early as 2. You can find it here: There is also a yahoo support group - I found it very helpful.

Saxon - This program teaches concepts in a spiral. There is lots and lots of drill. I think it is a great program till about 3rd or 4th grade. If your child is bright this program will kill their interest in math quickly after the first few grades. However, if your child is the kind that needs lots of drill and repetition then this might be the program you are looking for. The biggest problem that I had with the upper grades is that Saxon can get you to do well on a standardized test, but that doesn’t mean you have mastered the material. My son got an A in Saxon Algebra 1 and then had to take it a second time because he realized he couldn’t apply what he’d learned. He didn’t KNOW Algebra.

Math U See is manipulation intensive. IF your child is a visual learner then this might be a great fit.

Khan Academy - excellent resource for an older child. This free web site has ended the Math Frustration in our house.

We are currently using Jones Geniuses for a 4 y/o, 3 y/o with Down Syndrome and a 16 month old toddler. It is simple to use. I love the program. It is unlike anything we have ever used. It is simple and makes so much sense. It comes with a DVD in which Dr. Jones either teaches or shows you how to teach the material (Depending on the level.) This program is all about mastering material quickly. I would highly recommend this program. Most common complaint about the program is that it looks homemade. That is because it is, however, it doesn’t mean the program doesn’t work. You can go the the Jones Geniuses web site and watch a video or attend one of their free seminars (very informative) and get the whole scoop. I wish we’d had this when my 16 year old was young. It would have saved us years (and I do mean years) of frustration.

Hope that helps,


this is addictive.
it would be nice to have something like this with LM

thank you for your reply.

I ordered numicon as I think it is something she would enjoy but they emailed me back saying that my order was canceled becouse of some market restriction. What is that?? I have emailed them back now so I am waiting for they answer. >:(

Not sure what that’s about. But have you looked into maybe something like Right Start Math?
I haven’t used it though I’d love to be able to afford it.
Numicon does look pretty neat though but , again , the price.
For my youngest I’ve used Touch Math and she’s done great with that. She is 5 and doing 1st grade math , using Christian Light math and she’s flying right through it. :slight_smile:

First Merry X-mas Everyone!!! :biggrin:

What age can you start the Jones G program, also if I can remember right it comes with a speed reading program?
Anyway my lil one is 7months, when is a good age to start the Jones G program.
Right now he just does LM once a day and to be honest I really dont know if he is getting anything out of it.
He just stares at the screen with no expressions at all. At least with LR he babbles and laughes, but No reaction with LM, and I do mean NO reactions! lol


Dr. Jones says that you can do Jones G. as soon as they are walking and talking. We started JG when my son was 16 months old. JG goes in steps so we are working on mastering steps right now. My 16 month old is spending his time counting and learning numbers 0-10. We made some JG numbers and used velcro to secure dots to the numbers and we take them off and put them back on. He can say all the numbers but 5.

We did some Doman Math, essentially LM, and my son did not respond either. However, you really have no idea what they get and don’t get. I wouldn’t quit LM; it might shock you what he’s learned in a month or two. I wish now that we’d stayed with it.

Send an email to JG and attend on of their seminars. It is worth it!


May I know if JG’s program is suitable to kid’s one year old ?

You can use JG as soon as your child is walking and talking. We started using it with my 16 month old son. He can accurately count forward and backward (minus the number 5 and who knows why). We printed out the Matrix math numerals and used velcro to secure the dots on the number cards. He takes them off and puts them on. We use them to count and place the dots on the numbers. I suspect we will be using Matrix Math until he is probably 2-3 or at least until he can write.

I would like to ask from you Sonya ,how do you secured the dots on the number cards,and what type of dots do you use?(are the dots from velcro,or the number cards?)I can not find a method how to put the dots on the printed number cards and than how to take tham off and put them again.What is this velcro,how it looks like?

Velcro is a product that allows you to stick two items together and remove them repeatedly without wearing out the bond. This is the product I used however, I got it locally and the dots are smaller. We cut out dots from card stock and then stuck the velcro to the number in it’s proper place and then to the dot. (We laminated the dots first.) Now we can take them off over and over without a problem. I will attempt to post a video of this later today with my 16 month old so you can see exactly what I mean.


@ Sidonia, you are from Italy yes? This is the product I am speaking of:

I hope to make a video tomorrow - my little one was not cooperating this evening.


I started our son on LM and LR when he was about 5 months old and he has always had a positive reaction to LR but I had to give him a couple breaks from LM because he just would not pay attention. I gave him two breaks so far each about a week long. After the breaks he responded positively to LM. The other day I noticed he was always holding two number 3 magnets, or number 4, 5 etc. So I decided to mix his magnets up and ask for them in random order. He got 1-9 correct. I know we are not supposed to test our little ones but I was curious because my son has not started saying any number words yet so I had various higher numbers on flashcards and it appears that he knows his numbers 1-100. So even if your little one is just staring at LM with a blank stare know that he is absorbing the information.

I use this math software with my 2yo and I also LOVE Khan Academy but only to have her watch the clips since it’s very advanced for her.

EDIT: Sorry I forgot to give my feedback!

This software has helped my daughter to count using fingers and recognize them in random order. She can count pretty well and can do basic addition.

Khan Academy is more for me than her. I am now competent enough to teach her beyond addition, subtraction etc when she is ready for it as khan academy goes really beyond the extra mile in teaching math.

Thank you very much to you Sonya for this useful information :slight_smile: .I want to by also this velcro dots.

I have just bought a new book called Marshmallow Math - early math for toddlers, preschoolers and primary school children.

It has lots of short chapters with some very good ideas for teaching math concepts without using worksheets. It is very practical and I haven’t started using but I think it looks great - looking forward to getting stuck in.

We also have Numicon which I also really like as a manipulative way of learning maths concepts. It is supposed to be from age 3 up but I have been using for some time (with close supervision so she does not swallow any of the smaller pieces!) We are moving very slowly through the different stages - it is more like a game or puzzle than a curriculum. But I have certainly seen a development in DDs understanding of how they fit together and she started making a pattern today for the first time.

Hello Izp11!

I am also intrested in the Numicon program,Could you tell my please wich kit did you buy?The First Foundation Kit or the Kit 1 or the Kit for the Nursery?(My daughter is 26 months old,and i dont know wich Kit should i choose?)How old is your daughter?Thanks.

Hi Sidonia

We got the first steps with numicon at home kit:

We are UK based so for once shipping costs were very reasonable lol

My DD is now 31 months but we’ve been using the kit since she was 24 months. It’s not enough on it’s own in the long term but a really useful addition to other teaching approaches. It specifically suggests avoiding counting so the child comes to appreciate the different numbers through use of the manipulatives.

Thank you Izp 11 for your answer.
Is there anyone that has experience with the Numicon math program?
I would be grateful for any feedback.

The book depository has the best price for US. I too am trying to figure out which kit to start with.