could she really recognize words at 6months????

I’m trying not to get too excited incase it’s just mere coincidence! I know we’re not to test our babies and all, but something happened this morning. i was going to show her the YBCR flash cards, while sorting them out, i laid the words ‘tiger’ and i think ‘wave’ side by side, at the same time the DVD was on, and the word tiger was called out, i noticed she kind of moved towards the tiger card i laid down. i immediately thought it was just coincidental, but i couldn’t resist the temptation to find out! so i put two different words together some distance from where she was,and called one out and she kept crawling to the right one, she must have got it right 9 out of ten times.

i also noticed she started smiling when the word ‘smile’ comes up on little reader, that could just mean she now understands what smile means and not actually able to read the word 'cause it’s actually pronounced on LR.

i’m so excited and i’m even more motivated now to keep teaching her. I’m not going to test her again though- i hope i can resist the temptation!besides, i don’t want to be dissapointed if i find out it was all just a coincidence! whichever way, thanks to all at brillkids for enlightening me to teaching her.

That’s great Zoe! Congratulations!

It is indeed possible. At 7 months and 6 days, my son could recognize colors, numbers (1-20) and words. I am sure he would have been able to do this earlier if I had tested him then (I resisted testing him when he was 6 months old and in retrospect, from his behavior when we did cards, I feel that he would have identified a few things at that time)

You are doing great- keep up the good work!

Thanks a lot, despite my effort to resist testing again, I kind of did this evening and no doubt she really knew the words, and she gets very excited when she picks up the cards. she picks it up and looks at me waiting for me to applaud and give her a hug! it was just like we were playing a game, so i wouldn’t say i was testing per! it really works - I’m really glad, and to think we only started about amonth ago, can’t wait to see what she’ll know in a year from now!

That’s great. I’m so happy for you and your baby.


Congrats Zoe22! Great job! Hope to hear more good news from you :slight_smile:

Sophia reconised words at 6 months. I would hold up 2 words and ask her which word said nose and she would grab nose out of my hand. So I think your bub would be definiatley recognising words!!!

YBCR it’s the best!!!

it is an amazing feeling when you baby can really read because others don’t believe. Tap your back for hard word and determination!
If you were to test her do it in a fun way.It should never feel like a test and she will amaze you!!