Cosmetics and Ingredients Safety

Hello Everyone,

I just want to share a link that a friend of mine who is working in the UAE shared with me. Its a site that would let you check if the products that you use (shampoo, cleansers, soap, perfume etc) are safe enough to use.

I am not very fond of cosmetics like make up but I do use it when the occasion calls for it. :slight_smile: But it is inevitable – we all use products such as shampoo, toothpaste, soap etc. for daily personal hygiene. And we use these products for our babies as well. So I want to make sure that what Lila uses is as mild as possible. She has very sensitive skin. So sensitive she is allergic to her own sweat. She starts to break out into a rash when it gets too hot and the pediatrician said that its not just any regular heat rash but an allergic reaction to the sweating itself. :frowning:

Well I hope you will find this site helpful. :slight_smile:
here it is:

a lot of makeup, creams, deodorant, hairdye etc have all sorts of awful toxins in them which are absorbed straight into the bloodstream… really bad during pregnancy!!! In fact, worse putting them on mum in early pregnancy than putting them onto bub after birth (at least she’s fully develpoed by then!). That’s why I dont glow during pregnancy (actually I look like death warmed up and there isnt much I can do to camouflage it).

One of the main Baddies to look aout for are ‘parabens’. These can be methylparabens ethylparabens etc. You will be amazed when you atart looking they are in every thing. :frowning:

there are alot of ingredients that may cause cancer and the site i posted above shows what the ingredients of these skin care products in market are. its very helpful. and you are right nikita – its very important to know these things especially when you are pregnant. most of the brands that are considered within the range of 0-3 hazard are not familiar to me though. Except for the really common ones such as neutrogena and dove. :mellow:

I try to not use much on my skin when pregnant, but still have to use deodorant, shampoo, conditioner and toothpaste. Mercury amalgam fillings are suspected of leaching into the bloodstream, and can cause all sorts of problems including madness.

I’m a frequent visitor of that homepage! I believe that the skin is the largest organ and will absorb the things that it comes contact with. We need to be specially careful about the products we use on our babies!

Organ toxicity and cancer are just one of the few negative side-effects of parabens and sulfates.

Some of the ingredients (like aloe vera, Vitamin E, Retinol-Vit A) are listed as hazards too but I personally think these are safe.

Here are my personal favorites:

Kiss My Face Olive Bars
Dr. Bronner’s Soap (liquid and bar)
Jason Earth’s Best Line (for babies)
Burt Bee’s Products (though it has a rating of 4 above mainly because of the fragrance)

That’s a great site - I’m glad I discovered it before I got pregnant.
For those that might still need some convincing, here’s a link to a documentary done by the cbc here in Canada:

I won’t go into details because it will turn into a rant. Suffice to say - scary stuff.

The video is not working for that

Sorry, I didn’t realize that it was only viewable from inside Canada.

Dear All,

Below is the main website of the first post referencing the resource/tool: Cosmetic Database:
