cord blood

I was just wondering if anyone else has banked their baby’s cord blood?

Raises hand


Yup, my son’s cord blood is private banked.

I was beginning to think no one else had done this :huh:

A biological insurance that my hubby and I would like my son to have. Is yours a private or public banking?

Private. I went with viacord.

I know oe someone who had cancer, 6 years old and tried the cord blood first and then a bone marrow transplant and the drs, said that she should have done the marrow first because it is stronger. Unfortunately neither worked and she passed away this summer. Not sure what the difference was. I am sure it depends on cancer type.

I had my son’s banked away as well :slight_smile: I also believe that it is the best insurance there is. I heard that the R&D on this subject has been stoped in the States by Bush, is my info correct?


Take a look at this article

Also more stem cell information,


So ic Bush is against Federal funding of the research, which slows down the research and development in the US, which slows down to a degree the world in this direction.

Thank you for the useful links.