Hey everyone, just found this site and since all the photos are the work of the federal government they are copyright free. This link is from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service site and they have some great photos on there which you can search for.
Wonderful sites! Thank you all for sharing them with us! I just visited www.imageafter.com. They even offer the option to search for a picture based on color! I think it is going to be a lot of fun to use!
Great work!
after every photo there is a paragraph on licensing. Some are released to public domain (those are totally free), others have a different copy-left… license which I don’t understand fully but seems you could use them if you give the author the credit. How would you do it in LR?
I think you have to give them the credit when you use them for commercial purposes. If you are going to use the photos to teach your your baby to read … i don;t think you need to write the name of the author.