confused between b,d & p!

Hello everyone…
My son is 4.8 yrs. old . He is always confused between b,d& p. Whenever I ask him to write anyone of these he writes all 3 of them. He also finds the sounds of c & k very same and often lands up writing the wrong letter.
Can you please help me as how can I teach them to him.

It is very common for children to confuse b and d (and often p and q) Basically if you show a child a picture of a cow then it doesn’t matter if the cow is standing on its head it is still a cow - left right and back to front. That is how your child sees those letters - he thinks they are the same no matter which way they face. You will have to teach him how they differ. There is a post written (and I can’t find it now) about this problem. The method I use to teach it is to teach them the word bed and then you draw a four poster bed in the middle of the word - the b must come first and the d last so that it looks like a bed and that is how they remember which goes which way (it would help him not confuse the p too since a bed can’t have a tail)

As for k and c - they do have the exact same sound - if you need him to know which one to write you must tell him “tall K” or “small c”
Until you have actually started teaching him spelling he cannot possibly know which one to write by doing it phonetically. There are even rules as to when to write them both together “ck” that must be taught unless he learns spelling by seeing alone - if he is using any phonics at all (and it sounds like that is what he is mostly doing) then he will confuse the two - it is actually a good thing that he does as it shows he knows the sounds are the same. Maybe let him copy from you rather than expecting him to spell by himself for now if it is frustrating him/you until you can teach him spelling properly.

thanks Tanikit . I’ll try to teach him the word bed the way you have explained. lets hope it works…

use some words for that .make achart or a mind map for the indivisual or the confuse letter,such as b - ball.bat… a
and p- for parrot, pink with color ful drawing or will must work.just try is easy n simple. :yes:

We taught b and d this way:

When you make the letter b you draw a bat then a ball. When you make the letter d you draw a ball then a bat.

We used Abeka kindergarten lined paper that has a house with an attic and basement on each line. So “p” was never and issue as it is the letter goes all the way to the basement. You can do that on your own without the paper,