confused about schedule!!!

pls help… i am so confused… i was blissfully unware of waht my son was missing out till 2 months back…i stumbled upon this site… now i am overwhelmed with information and dont knwo where to start…i am a higher education lecturer and have no experience teaching young ones…so any help would be much appreciated …how do i schedule my son’s learning… he is 13 months

this is waht we are currently doing

read two books

nursery rhyme dvd


i would like to incorporate the tweedledee program… i feel like i am doing so little with him…at the same time i dont know where to start…thanks

Hi gayakarna,
Welcome . Even am in the same state like you!!
I have 11 months old baby. Accidentally I stumbled here and I am feeling bad that I wasted 10 months.
Ignorance was blissful. But sometimes I feel guilty too that I missed to do my duty as mum .

I do LR LM morning/evening.
Books in night.
Plus there are ppt slides here show them by afternoon.
Then flash cards when eating.

This is what I do as of now , but I was looking at one other discussion topic “22 months and where to start” that thread has so many many inputs.

Though I haven’t incorporated those in my lifestyle yet it gives you a lot of motivation .
Like you am also looking forward for a way to implement them and lets see how I can plan a schedule.

As of now am making a weekly planner so that I don’t get stressed if I miss anything daily plus it gives an opportunity to observe what the baby likes .Sometimes she reads 4 - 5 books continuously but sometimes no books but singing songs. Sometimes no ppts but more flash cards. So even in this 10 days I see lots of changes in our schedule.

I plan to start signing time + TW , but haven’t got them yet :frowning:

So thanks gayakarna u started the topic coz the same was running in my mind …

You guys shouldn’t feel the less bit guilty. You will be surprised at how much you have already taught your little ones. I think everyone’s schedule is completely different. It looks like you guys are already heading in the right direction. If you stumble across something that you like, then add it, but you will find yourself easily overwhelmed if you add too much at once. If you are too overwhelmed, the baby will be too, so just relax. Plus feeling guilty isn’t good for the baby either, so be happy with how you have already spent time with the little one. It was full of love I am sure so that’s all that matters.

Add a fun activity here and there, and before you know it you will have a full schedule and will have to pick and choose your activities. There really is so much to choose from once you realize you baby’s potential. I am having so much fun on this forum. The women here on this forum are inspirational and very encouraging. I learn something new everyday.

To be more focused, come up with a list of what skills and knowledge you want your baby to gain and even think ahead a little. There is so much knowledge to share with the baby that you can easily get overwhelmed and (this was me at first) be all over the place. Again, have lots of fun because if you aren’t having fun than it will impact the learning experience of the baby.

You are doing great!
I would suggest also Signing Time DVDs and exposure to foreign languages.
My 2.5 year old DD is picking up language content very fast, i credit it to early exposure.
To my opinion in the first 18 month is more important input (the things you expose your baby to ) than output ( the things she shows you she knows).