computer-based program does not harm eyes?

I have a 8 months old son with DS. From day 1, I have started to use stimulation card to show him. I bought a set of red dot cards and chinese/english word flash cards, started to use dot cards since 3 months and added chinese word cards to him since 4 months, then English word cards since 5 months. The results seems pretty good so far. All the cards are whiteboard based.

I am interested in using little reader instead as it is more easy for the parents to prepare the materials. Now i got a question, it is not suggested to watch TV/computer for kids under 2 years by peds, it is not just not good for eyes, and also not good for baby’s brain development.

however as far as I know, liltle reader is computer-based, shall i know your views on this? i am a bit concerned to use it as my son is only 8 months old. thanks!

I have started LR and LM with my daughter when she was 8 months old and only becouse I wasn’t sure what it will do to her eyes. But I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to teach my daugter all these things. I started making flashcards as well but then it was impossible to keep up with her . I decided to try LR and made sure she sits in the right possition, right lighting…
I think becouse we watched nothing on tv it wasn’t that bad to watch quick short LR presentations. We also did and do eye exercises. If you don’t want to let your child watch tv until he is 2 years old I don’t think you will harm his eyes. But then again I am not a doctor this is just what was on my mind when I started.
You can also print the flashcards directly from LR but that wasn’t and isn’t an option in our case. But I know she would loved it even more. :yes:
I would love to read what others have to say or whether someone has discussed this with a doctor.

I just minimize screen time for my son as much as I can. We make sure he is always a good distance from the screen. We lowered the brightness on laptops, Tvs, and ipads. And always make sure that the room is properly lit. I agree with Lelask about doing eye excercises. We also do activities to strength his inner ear muscles since these are some of the same muscles used to help eye muscle control.
If you have any hesitations you could just try one session a day and split that session into two. The BrillKid lessons are not long at all. Have you downloaded the trial version of LR?

I understand that screen time is not good for brain development but I take into consideration that the only screen time my son has is full of information that is helping his brain develop. He is not watching mindless cartoons.

The “recommendation” of no screen time under age two is worded ambiguously to begin with, but what parents are allowing is another thing altogether. I think it’s something like 85% of kids under age two have screen time to some extent. And you can bet it’s not reading or math programs, it’s junk on TV! With commercials, violence, and gender stereotypes! NAEYC is revising their statement on technology to include children under age 2. IMO the “recommendation” is a safe, blanket answer intended for the masses…if they gave all parents a “green light” for 1 hour a day of TV, parents would probably make it 3 or more anyway.

My non-professional opinion? Keep it in educational and in moderation, and they’ll be fine~! As far as just doing LR or LM, it’s such a short time frame, I wouldn’t give it a second thought!

Hi Everyone,

My daughter will be 3 in April and has Down Syndrome. We were doing Love and Learning DVDs and she learned to read some of the words. I learned about this program on another website and decided to try it. We have been doing it 2-3 months. I am amazed how quickly she is learning new words.

You can use eye excercise like this