Combining different techniques?

One more question,

I have started my dtr 1 yr old on ybcr, and have just read the doman book, should I use the flash cards anymore that came with ybcr? Or should I make all new ones in red and really big? I have printed off about 500? cards to laminate off LR and was going to do the 200 most common sight words first, I think most of the words mentioned to start with in doman were in the first 3 videos of ybcr, not sure if I should go ahead and write them up on cards still, or just go with the 200 sight words. I am expecting tweedlwink this week also and need to work that in also.

Any ideas what I should do?

This is an excellent thread amy thanks for starting it because I have been wondering thesame thing to.

I have heard of a few parents who have been using tweddlewink and YBCR together and getting results but i do not know of any one using both Glenn Doman and YBCR technique.

I too would like to hear of other parents using both techniques but i think Domanmom would probably be one of the best people to ask as she has used YBCR and uses Glenn Doman.


great post!! Would love to have some ideas and suggestions too…Just got YBCR and Tweedlewink for our lil one. She’s attending Shichida classes and before we enrolled her there, I used Doman method to do reading and maths. From the time we got LR, we are mainly using it…much easier and having different subjects as well.

Now with so many things…I don;t know which one to follow or is it right to mix all and make our own programme as per her likes.

hi there

i think that there are many programmes out there and their will always be new ones. however the key to any programme is consistency. if you guys combine these programmes to a way were your child is happy and comfortable and learning then its fine but if you are going to use a programme just because you bought it and feel that you need to get your monies worth then that may not be such a great idea. use the key of consistency and you may find a combination which works well for both you and child. there are other researched and proven ways of teaching. you just have to find a way were it will work for you.

for me personally however i have just stuck with the doman technique but i have used other types of flashcards. i have even adapted doman to suit my needs and lifestyle.

We started with Doman, then worked in YBCR once we determined our son was old enough to watch TV. We also did Tweedlewink.

First of all, you just want to set routines. I did words Doman-style during bath and at all meals, I did YBCR once a day in the morning, and I did Tweedlewink right after afternoon nap.

My son is now two and, quite frankly, he loves to read and I think he’s absolutely brilliant (just this mom’s opinion, though :tongue: ).

So it’s not that hard to do multiple “programs” once you have a system.

How is teedlewink in comparison to YBCR? Would you reccomend teddlewink as much as YBCR?

They are polar opposites. YBCR is a reading program consisting of words, pronunciations and video of the words. It is more left brain. Tweedlewink is a right brain program consisting of Doman-like flashing and many other right brain techniques. I’m sure you can find you tube videos of both. I know there is a whole lesson of Tweedlewink available for viewing, and I’m sure that YBCR has one somewhere.

Yes, I have seen this lesson. Just wondered if it holds kids interest? How they learn from it? Would like some input from people who use it, thank you. Basically looking for any personal results with teedlewink :nowink:

I used Tweedlewink for several months. Gabriel really enjoyed it. It became a part of our nightly routine. I can’t say how much he learned from it since he was a baby, but I know he was learning. I have given it up for a while since I want to focus more on his communication skills (we are watching baby signing time now in its place), but we will do Tweedlewink again in a a few months.

Thank you. Can anyone attest to positive results from tweedlewink?

I found this site while researching right brain education for babies. There are several free downloads. :nowink:

not sure how useful any of this is…

I was going through TweedleWink site and thought those DVDs are so expensive. One DVD is 35 $ and there are 6 volumes. Do you all buy these products?

I have bought them all. They have package deals that save you money, and we also have a 15% discount code that you can get in our forum shop.

Hi patreiche,

Great games! Thanks for the link!


Which package did you get and enjoyed the most? Packages also have 4 options.

Has any bodu used the vidoes of You can read .DiD they come out in dvd as it has been over 15 years that i brought them for my kids now i am using them for jake. I looked in that site i try to dounloads some games . thanks.

I don’t know what packages they have now, but I have all the Tweedlewink DVDs. I recommend you get all the lessons. The phonics and foreign language DVD aren’t as important, but I don’t know if they have a package with just the lessons 1-6 DVDs.

From what I know, their packages already come with a 10% or 15% off, so if you use our coupons in the Forum Shop, that will be ANOTHER 15% off of that package discount price.

I am doing the Doman method and am ordering the full set of Tweedlewink this week to add a bit more structure. Have looked into TW for some time and very eager to receive …will report my observations in the coming weeks.