Colour Poems, anyone?

Nicholas is showing very little interest in flashcards at the moment (apart from LR and the W2L dvds!) and I have decided to prepare some more hands-on lessons for him come the new year. He is too young to start the more traditional-learning that I would like to do with JG etc. so I am planning on teaching him concepts such as shapes and colours.

At the moment I am working on ‘lessons’ to cover one colour each week - I’m creating colour-themed books (which I’ll upload when finished :wink: ) and activities for each colour using toys, household objects, paint… and jelly! Lots of hands-on messy fun :smiley:

Anyway, I’d really like to have a colour-themed poem for each week, but am struggling to find anything age-appropriate online. Anyone have any colour-poems they would like to share?

THANK YOU :biggrin:

Have you seen Dr Seuss, “My many coloured days”. Not colour poems as such, but I like it. :slight_smile:

We have that book :slight_smile: I was thinking more along the lines of a simple poem. I’m trying to avoid writing them myself :blush:

I would hightly recommend the book “Planting a Rainbow” by Lois Ehlert. It is a little expensive, but that is because it is “lap-sized” which allows for very large print. It is also very nice because she labels the flowers so you know what they are. This was one of our favorite books for a long time, until we got “Frog and Toad.”

Thanks aangeles! That is the sort of thing I was looking for :smiley: