I thought it was time that we start a College Savings Account for my son. Can any body recommend a good one with high interest or good incentives?
i have been looking into different ones in the US
i’m very confused by it all though
would also love some advice :yes:
Hey Rugrat,
What country are you in? That may help you to get the best advice. We’re in Canada and we have a federal government savings incentive where they put in an additional 20% of what you put away.
Hi Kizudo,
I am in US and like Kizudo it is somewhat confusing, I am from England so it’s all new to me.
i do stated saving for E from the birth onwards. we have a sepatere account for her
What is this college saving account?
I am not clear what it is, but I am hoping it’s some kind of savings fund to save up for my child for his future college fees… Since, I am not getting any great replies here I guess I’ll have to do the research myself or get my husband to do it… I hate looking into those kind of things!
nhockaday, thank you for these links.