Classical music

Hi Every one
I am doing Tweedle course for my 2 yrs old son .And they say to play music or classical music or language cd during there lesson.So pls can some recommend any cd for nice classical music?

Tweedlewink has music playing in the background already. I think playing other music during the lessons would be distracting. But anyways, I recommend any Mozart. Here is a link to download 2 free cds:

They say playing music when they are coloring or playing puzzle etc .At that time you should play some background music or foreign language.They will not pay much attention to it.But it will get recorded in it’s subconscious mind.Actually i have not completed whole course i am in the 2 module of it’s course and it has 4 module.
But do tweedle wink have music cd’s ? i didn’t know this.if u know much about it than pls send me it’s link.And thanx about the links that you have send

They do sell some great cds on their website. I don’t know how much they are.

I recommend any classical music which you can enjoy also, as you’ll also have to be listening to it! :slight_smile:

Typically, a good choice is to get one which is like a ‘Best of’ collection, or one that contains classical music used in movies - these would tend to be popular classical pieces.

I would rec any classical music at this point if its in the background as softer music and not too distracting. Bach, Mozart, Haydn, Vivaldi, Mendolssen. Beethoven I wouldn’t rec some of the larger pieces as they can swell to and take attention away from tasks. Stick with earlier classical music if its in the back ground. Piano sonatas and string quartets are good to use as well

Ohh dats good.

On saturday i saw a cd called BRAINWAIVE SUITE by Dr Jefferson Thomson in Border’s. The content was good such as music for alpha brain and,gamma brain meditation etc. But i dodnt know whether we can use this for our children as a background music?? But the content of Brainwaive Suite was amazing it is an symphony.


YES DEFINATELY! In fact, the music in the background of tweedlewink is the same thing.

In general, it should be yes, assuming that the way the CD is meant to work is to play relaxing, soothing music, like Tweedlewink.

However, some music CDs work by requiring headphones, because each side will emit a different frequency, and the difference between the frequencies will entrain your brain waves to bring it to alpha, theta, etc. levels. These will only work properly with headsets, as what each ear needs to hear is slightly different from the other ear. You won’t be able to hear the difference by listening to them individually, but if you put them together and listen through a headset, you’ll typically be able to hear a background effect like a helicopter effect (this sound is actually created in your brain, not by the music).

Read the CD description and see if it requires a stereo headset for optimal playback. If so, then it’s this type I just described. However, even if it is, the music itself may still be soothing enough to help relax your child and bring about those brainwave states, even if played in the background.

See this thread for more info on brainwaves:

KL, what’s the benefit of bringing your kid’s brain to different frequencies?

The short answer is, at theta and alpha levels, it is easier for us to access the subconscious mind (far far more powerful than the conscious mind), and learning is easier and faster. I think I mentioned this in that other thread?

hmmm excuse me for being thick :blush: but that means that if you want to benefit from this acces to the subconscious, then you should also teach your kids something while having them listen to it? There would be no use of it on it’s own then (other than relaxing as you mentioned)? Or do their effects last?

That’s correct. It will relax you, but the idea is to teach you when you are relaxed so it goes in more easily and more effectively.