Classical Baby The Poetry Show - is there a booklet to go with the DVD?

Is there a booklet to go with Classical Baby The Poetry Show DVD like the one for A Child’s Garden of Poetry (originally linked by Skylark)?

We have The Poetry Show DVD but I would like a booklet for our library also.

I have not come across one, what we did - I wrote down the titles of all poems used in the program, and then we looked for them in our poetry books ( we had nearly all of them as it turned out), but if you will find the booklet that goes along, let us know!

Good thinking Skylark - I was just being lazy hoping someone else had done the hard work!

Let me see, I might have many of them on file! As we were doing poetry project a little while ago ( not sure I saved it, or if I can find it off hand :rolleyes: )

My daughter loves poetry, so we do a lot of poetry related activities :yes:

That would be amazing Skylark, thanks :slight_smile:


I found them! 8) Here is the link –

And so I have decided to organize all my files, notes and educational activities I am doing or have done with my little ones, that way I would not need to search through directories and directories on my early learning hard drive when I need something.

And with new LO already 2 months old :yes: I would need most of them soon :biggrin:

So I will be posting my notes and organize my materials little by little in my Early Education Essentials nook :slight_smile: