My son has a little stuffed dog (“Bones”) that he has loved almost to shreds. We’d been looking for a double for months now and my sister finally tracked one down for us. It just arrived from a “toy head hunter” but it smells like smoke. I’ve washed it once with regular detergent, but it still smells. Is there a quick way to get rid of cigarette smoke?
As I said in question #1, Bones is pretty ratty. Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to make this brand new looking dog look like it’s seen better days? It’s fur is shiny and fluffy…I need it to look matted and dull…just like a stuffed animal would if it were loved to death! I need my son to believe it’s the same old Bones he knows and loves.
I’d try using a spray that gets rid of cigarette smoke and then washing it and hanging it outside for a few days. The more you wash it and dry it in the dryer, the more “loved” it will look.
Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll try the Febreeze and wash it again…can’t hang it up outside because it’s minus who knows what here in Manitoba - it’ll freeze solid! Wish me luck!
Hello friend bit old thread but were you able to remove the smell of smoke? Well I have been facing similar problem so can you help me out? Hope for quick reply…
Febreeze usually works to get rid of most weird smells (cigarette smells included) on pillows and stuffed toys, but you may find that it’ll make the toy or pillow a bit ‘sticky.’ I’ve done this before, and what worked was Febreeze and then a long drying period.
Once it’s dry, I soaked the pillow/toys in baking soda, water and added a cup of white vinegar for half an hour. Then I washed it as normal (detergent) and let it to dry. That eliminated the smokey smell for me completely.