Christmas traditions?

I thought we could share some of our family’s Christmas traditions.

We go out together as a family & cut our own tree. We usually take a thermos of hot chocolate. Our tree is not as perfect as one we could buy, but the memories of tramping through the forest in the snow are priceless.

Growing up we would decorate cookies on Christmas eve and leave the best ones out for Santa.

Here in Malta we go to the midnight mass and on Christmas Night our family meet to pass out the gifts and season greetings. My father dresses up like Santa, oh what he would do to see my kids faces light up!

We make ornaments for the birds. We get bread and cut it using cookie cutters. Then we put a little cairo syrup on it and sprinkle birdseed, cereal, dried fruits…whatever. Then we decorate a bush outside with all of these ornaments we made. Not only does it look really cute, but on Christmas morning you hear all the birds outside who are eating their treats. That’s nice!

Our family traditions are strongest at Christmas, when our family always comes together for the celebrations. We have midnight mass 16 days before Christmas eve, and Nochebuena on the eve itself, where our family matron (abuela) would cook up a storm and serve us old yet awesome traditional food. :slight_smile:

We open our presents up at the stroke of midnight, and we usually sleep at around 3am on Christmas day. :happy:

Wow–yall must be so tired the next day!! I can’t even imagine!!

Hahaha yes, we usually were. lol It was the only time of the year that the young ones can stay up late (but not before they all take 3 hour siesta-naps the day before!)