Chord Recognition and "Hear and Sing" Problems - should I repeat the sessions?

My older one (5 yo) and younger one (2 yo) are doing the Little Musician together and so far we are at Lesson 10. On chord recognition the 5 yo does it faster than 2 yo but I feel that he doesn’t always get it right (eg., so-ti-re chord got mistaken as fa-la-do) and for both kids, they can’t really guess the notes right in the “hear and sing” session.

Should I repeat the lesson until they get it, or should I continue to move on to further lessons? Thanks everyone!

Everything gets repeated multiple times, so I would definitely move on. It’s better to not let them get bored. Good luck!

I don’t have the full Little Musician curriculum yet, but I know my LO gets bored and distracted if I repeat other lessons (like Tweedlewink) more than 1 or 2 times. As the pp mentioned, they may get bored and not enjoy the lessons if you repeat them. Also, you’re only 10 (probably more by now) lessons into the program. Over time, they are likely to improve those listening skills so that they can identify correctly. It’s great that they’re trying! If you really think the older one is confusing the younger one, maybe you can show the lessons separately? Although, I think it’s probably more fun for them to do the lessons together :slight_smile: good luck!

Thanks everyone! Let me try a few more lessons and see how it goes!