Choline and Down syndrome

Some very interesting new findings about choline and Down syndrome out of Cornell University. I’d never even heard of choline before!

Thanks :smiley: I’ll check those links out.

Very interesting.

I started on choline while pregnant with my daughter, when the literature was still preliminary, and we have been very pleased. Our daughter was to be born with hydrocephalus and a large VSD; we were expecting her to both need a shunt and immediate open heart. When she was born, however, she was healthy! The hydrocephalus resolved and the VSD had closed in utero. Furthermore, at 21-months now, she is more cognitively advanced than her peers. I took choline while pregnant and breastfeeding, and I have continued her on it since she was weaned.

folate and B12 are co-factors which facilitate shuttling of one-carbon fragments used to make RNA, DNA, proteins and neurotransmitters. (catalyst)

choline and betaine serine and other molecules supply the monocarbons.

i do think it is very good and would recommend it.

I started taking Choline when 16 weeks pregnant (we found out at 13 weeks she had DS) and have continued while breastfeeding. My daughter is now 4 1/2 months old and is either ahead of or on track developmentally with typical babies. She was holding her head up at 3 weeks, rolling over at 1 month old, following sounds, making eye contact, laughing and cooing all ahead of schedule. Her therapist is amazed by her and both my wife and I really feel Choline is a contributing factor. We plan to continue having her take it after she weans. Cannot say enough good things about it!

i am working on a case report about treating down syndrome before birth.
i hope to do more.
if anyone would like to participate they may contact me.

A_OttDahl - that’s amazing! We didn’t know that our dd had T21 until after she was born so I did nothing other than regular prenatal vitamins. We have used TNI but we’ve seen by far the hugest advances with her neurodevelopmental program.

Paddy Jim Baggot MD - Because we didn’t know for sure before dd was born I won’t be much help with your case study however I’d love to hear more about it.

You could also look on this forum as there are lots of moms who have babies with T21 there most of whom are more aware of the benefits of supplementing:

you said:
A_OttDahl - that’s amazing! We didn’t know that our dd had T21 until after she was born so I did nothing other than regular prenatal vitamins. We have used TNI but we’ve seen by far the hugest advances with her neurodevelopmental program.

did you see more results with TNI?
where is this from?
or the neurodevelopmental program?

you may view two of my talks at aapsonline
one case report still working on it

Sorry for the slow reply.

My dd’s neurodevelopmental program has by far been the most helpful thing for her development. We’ve mainly seen results with Longvida curcumin & L carnitine. She does have a pretty clean diet though which I’m sure is also a factor. She used to have Nutrivene D as a T21 specific multi vitamin but now gets the new MSB + which is also made for kids with T21.

I have talked to lots of other parents that have had much better results with supps.

I wish I had known about choline when I was pregnant because I had a prenatal diagnosis. I am planning to start choline for my 12 month old daughter with DS soon, but I’m unsure if it’s as effective after birth.

Thank you for the links!