Chinese Gender Chart
Moms check and see if they were right.
I checked for when I had Wesley and it was correct.

Mine’s right, too.

right for me to too… :slight_smile:

I was surprised that it was right for me too! I was born in the 12th lunar month of the Chinese calendar so my Chinese age is actually 2 years (instead of the usual 1 year) older than my Western age - VERY complicated so I was not expecting it to be right. But it was. :biggrin:

I think it was right for me, too!
My cousin used this to predict her baby’s gender pre-conception as she really wanted a girl. She even told everyone she was having a girl and then in her 20wk scan they found a penis lol Maybe she didn’t use her Chinese age :rolleyes:

It was right 1 in 2 for me …

The links on the page that explain how to calculate the lunar month, do not work. Is the month of conception is the actual month of conception right…not converted to chinese lunar month, right?