Chinese curriculam doubt

I have a doubt about Chinese curriculum.
Will I have English pronunciation tagged along.
Coz , don’t mistake me , When I tried to see Chinese movies , I feel all the words sounds almost I coulnt feel the differences between the word sounds.
So is there a English pronunciation tagged along, so I could repeat with my kid .

  • sarekha

Hello! I suggest that you download the free two week trial of Little Reader (English version) and then download the free trial for the Chinese curriculum. There are no transliterated words presented “in english” alongside the Chinese characters, it is completely authentic immersion style learning. You can set the program to auto forward quickly from slide to slide or you can manually forward the program and use the buttons on your mouse to go back and hear a word pronounced again. You can practice the categories as many times as you like.

So I suggest just taking the trial for yourself and seeing if you like it. Best of luck! :slight_smile:

Yes do trial first. it’s always good to buy with confidence.
The fact that you can’t hear the difference is precicely why you need to get a program that doesn’t have English type pronunciations/ spellings. Your ear is not tuned to the Chinese language. A slightly different inflection can change the meaning of a word that is spelt basically the same. You saying it is not really going to be helpful to your child unless you can deferential between the sounds. Your child will have no trouble doing this from the audio provided and will learn from a native correct accent faster than you can imagine. This is probably more important for learning Chinese than any other language. I may give you a different response if you asked about Spanish :slight_smile:

Thanks for the replies !!!

I used the demo version already on the 6th day…
My daughter seem to be king ok with it …
Its me who is finding it very difficult to differentiate between the words …
Thats the reason I posted the question !!!

So in case , I would like to learn it along with the baby , How can I do it ?
Plus , since my baby seems to like the chinese one , and if incase( hope my husband doesn’t see this :ph34r: bough LR and LM and DVDs for my 6 month quota already :wink: ) buy the chinese curriculum , how will i track her knowledge ( since am ignorant to the point of zero ) …

Any ideas or clues from the experienced ppl here … !!
Plus … if there is any non-chinese parent who have successfully implemented this to their kid … plus facing similar problem like mine … ???

I’m struggling understanding it as well. But I just chalk it up to having an old brain LOL, and it will take some time. But my thoughts right now are, if I learn it great! If not I can use it to focus SOLELY on input. Since I don’t understand the language, I can’t test what my boy(s) know :smiley:

Yes ,
For now am just satisfied that my baby enjoys the curriculum…

And I got a big NO from my husband for chinese curriculum for now (budget has exceeded this time )…
So have to get along with the trial version as of now :slight_smile:

Any other means of chinese input for FREE !! like youtube or some chinese education programs in net …

Any suggestion is welcome …
I want the baby to hear the language … till i could convince my husband to buy the curriculum …

So am pretty much open to all the free sources out there that i can show to my baby once she is bored with the trial version of chinese LR…
Help me out please :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Check YouTube for videos learn mandarin for kids, mandarin, Chinese flashcards, etc

The more you expose yourself to the language the better you will pick it up. Someone shared this website else where that I am addicted to, and it is helping me pick up Mandarin much faster. I love the way it teaches Chinese Characters!

On a scale from 1-10, I rate this site as a nine for a free resource. It helps to reinforce your learning by sending you reminders to “water your garden” or “harvest” the words you are learning. Its very easy to use and free. You can choose from multiple languages. Spanish and Mandarin are our two secondary languages that we focus on besides English, so this is one of the resources I use to improve and develop my vocabulary in these languages.

I am looking into the Smart Tiger DVDs which aren’t badly priced, and since I am looking for a blu-ray player anyway, I am just going to make sure I pick up a multi-regional one which you need to play these videos.

Does anyone have links to Smart Tiger on the Chinese Youtube? I was looking for more complete episodes. I only found one on youtube that was 8 minutes long, and I am complete sold on it. It reminds of the repetitiveness that SALSA videos have.

@ : cokers4life

here is the link to the episodes:巧虎&oq=巧虎&aq=f&aqi=g7&aql=&gs_sm=12&gs_upl=63226l63226l0l65480l1l1l0l0l0l0l50l50l1l1l0

If it does not work search youtube for: (copy, then paste) 巧虎


I love ST way better than Salsa. I really wish that ST show would be translated to many other languages, and that the whole DVD would be subtitled, not just parts of it.