Child's Brain Capacity

Hi All,

Encyclopedia Britannica has 12,500 million facts.
National Archives(U.S.A) is thousand times the encyclopedia Britannica, which cmes to 12 trillion 500 billion facts.

A tiny child’s brain can store 10 times of the National Archives,which comes to about 125 trillion facts.

Scientists like Einstien use only 4% of the brain capacity. what abut us.


:blink: :blink:

Wow, even though we all know how incredible a child’s brain is, that’s still incredible!

That’s amazing!

Family members sometimes ask me if I’m afraid my LO’s brain will be full by the time he reaches school age. lol

The brain doesn’t work like that!! The more you put into it, the more it will hold. You can’t just reach “critical brain space” from learning too much–doesn’t happen!


Well put, texaslady!


I think little baby’s brain development depends on parent’s dedication… for the better future i would like to do it…

That is absolutly amazing!!!

The wonders of the human body will never cease and the wonders of our childrens minds will never cease.


Well all I know is I went to a really good kindergarten and I learned how to add, subtract, and French. This was 45 years ago and was extremely unusual. I excelled in math. It took three years in the next school to reach the level of french and math I learned in kindergarten. I could have been much better had my accelerated training continued after kindergarten. I think we teach kids in school too slowly. We teach to the slowest in the class which is not good for an education system. I would suggest we start teaching more to the top of the class and get special help for those left behind. I remember without hesitation the things I learned in kindergarten, and have a difficult time remembering things I learned in high school or college. What your child learns early will stay with them.

Math is a subject I think that is taught entirely too slow to kids. Addition and subtraction could easily be taught in kindergarten even without red dot training. The USA is so far behind in education but yet no one wants to overhaul the system. Obviously, what is in place is not working. I just think the text book makers don’t wnat to be sent into a tailspin.

I hope Obama sends the education system into a tailspin. Instead of no child left behind and teaching to the dumbest kid, I hope he does the reverse and speeds up our educational system. No child left behind as well as a lot of other programs from this administration were a total disaster. How about we concentrate on fixing the problem instead of testing.

Yes, the human brain is absolutely incredible, isn’t it? Thanks for sharing, momnidhi.

I remember once calculating how long it would take to use up the 125 trillion facts a child’s brain has the capability of holding. We often hear the word “trillion” juggled around but don’t really comprehend how huge it is.

And you know what I calculated?

If a baby, from the moment he exited the womb, learned one fact every single SECOND of his life, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, do you know how old he would be when he reached just one BILLION facts? Thirty years old. One billion seconds is just under 30 years.

Considering that one trillion is one thousand billions, at the rate of learning one fact per second a child would be 30,000 years old before he reached a trillion seconds. And that’s just one of his 125 trillion facts.

Mind-boggling, isn’t it?

No wonder Hunter is so good at Math - he took after his Mom!! lol

hi all,

Do you know that maximum stimulation of brain happens through Maths .


Why is that? (maximum stimulation of brain with math) calculation?

hi patreiche,

you want know more. see this link.


What we see as maths has definition and limitation of what we learned, but maths is expanded to what our text books teach.

There is maths in everything we do and not just what we learnt in class. Do you know that when a child looks at a picture and says ‘lion’, there are millions of calculations happenning in the little brain.

If the child if familiar with cat and you show picture of lion, in most cases child will pronounce “CAT”. You think kid is mistaking, but he is actually comparing all the things between cat and lion and shouting whatever is the closest he knows.

there is maths in music, maths in painting, maths in thinking, maths in decison making, walking, talking, sleeping. There is no place where maths doesnt exist!

in reply to comment#7

Hi patreiche,

Present education system is like communism where everyone is equal and until the poorest can afford the car, you are not supposed to buy a car. What will happen?

In india there has been some saints and great personalities who never went to school. Instead, teachers came to their home to teach. They could afford it and we can afford LR :slight_smile: (kidding)

but, since we agree that every child is different, shouldnt be education of every child be different? I am sure Obama will try his best, but there is something in the base of the system that needs to be corrected.

Hi Domanmom,

Thanks for that calculation. Its amazing! 30,000 years to fill up just a trillion out of 125.

In the science text books I learnt that whatever human (or any animal) doesnt use, will disappear with generations. There must be some use of these 125 trillion facts capacity given to human brain. Dont you think?

Not too old fact, people used to remember entire epic (Koran, Mahabharat) by heart.

sounds like myth, but there are sayings that through medition you can know what you dont see and feel physically.

I think there must be some method to fill up close to 125 trillion with facts within human life.

Excellent posts/discussion - the public school system is a scare.

I highly recommend the book “Dumbing Us Down” by John Taylor Gatto as well as “Underground History of American Education” by the same author. Gatto is a public elementary school teacher who has been ‘Teacher of the Year’ in NYC - he expertly points out the serious problems (understatement) in our public school system by illustration and experience.

Link to the history book:

Link to his bookstore (also can get on amazon, etc):