children's cookbooks to reinforce reading

I found a new way to reinforce reading. My daughter and I have started cooking together. She has a children’s cookbook. The print is a good size, and the instructions are organized in simple sentences. The pictures are inviting and the reading is exciting since she is accomplishing something of value. While I’m getting out materials for one step, she is eagerly reading and trying to comprehend the next step. Today she made lemon cheese cake. It is chilling in the refrigerator. She can’t wait to plate, garnish, and serve it to her daddy and brother for desert. Just wanted to share this idea with all of the early readers out there.

Here the link if anyone is interested in our specific cookbook:


What a great idea! Thanks for sharing, I’ll have to look into this.

That seems like it would be good for teaching fractions and measurements too.

Great Idea, I pull out her cook book and get her to make some playdoh tomorrow. THANKS AKALORI