Children and their amazing non-stop questions

We are amazed at our 3 year old daughter every waking moment and always commenting at how the questions she asks show that her brain is going at a million miles an hour. For instance, yesterday’s questions included:

  1. “Mummy is Nanny a widow now?”. Where did she learn that word? I really must pay more attention when I am reading to her.

  2. “Mummy why is the water in my glass clear?”. I’m not a scientist but I suppose Daddy and I should be able to come up with an acceptable explanation between us.

Our children are adorable aren’t they, and fabulous entertainment too! :smiley:

I thought it would be fun for us all to share and also record some of our children’s questions here. So please share your favourites or just the ones they stumped you with yesterday.

Mummy, why does the moon always follow us when we’re driving?? (Usual answer…I dunno). Sometimes it’s not practical to find the answer in the encyclopaedia straight away. And by the time you’ve got home you’ve forgotten.

Yeah, and not only questions! So often some of the comments Felicity makes just cracks us all up!

I’ll make a note to remember them when she says some next time!

I used to nanny fr a 3 year old boy that had a very vivid immagination. After seeing a car crash on the side of the road he said ‘They should make the roads out of chocolate and then the cars will like it so much they wont want to go off.’

We had to wait in for the man from the cable TV company Sky came to install the tele. We kept saying ‘We will go to the park after the Sky man comes.’

When the ‘Sky man’ arrived he asked him if he was God. It’s logical if you think about it!!! lol

:biggrin: lol Kids are amazing !!

This topic just reminded me of my 5-year old cousin’s question a few months ago. My husband and I calls each other “Mommy and Daddy”, as our terms of endearment. Then one day, my cousin came up to us and asked, “How come he (looking at my husband) calls you Mommy? Is he your son?”. Everyone in the room laughed! Another innocent and logical question of a child, indeed! :slight_smile:

My son isn’t old enough to start asking these questions, but I can’t wait! It just reminds me of something my little sister said in Walmart when she was a toddler. She spoke to a stranger who was near us, so my mother and I explained the whole “talking to strangers” bit. I then asked her what she would do if he kidnapped her. To this she yelled…

lol lol

My nearly 13 year-old was watching the news last night about Georgia and Russia (people hiding in basements etc), and said…why dont the people just get out of there and get away? I said…cos they cant…they’d get shot at if they were running away…so she said…why doesnt everyone have tunnels underground to other countries so if there’s war they can escape to another country.
Good point. But the tunnels would probably be targetted. Or let the enemy in.