Child prodigies in the news - 2 links

Youngest member of British Mensa has parents who do early learning with him!

The above pics are interesting to see. The boy is looking at a YBCR book in one picture. The kids did early learning with him too. He is the youngest member of British Mensa ever. In explaining their using EL with him, one of his parent’s states

Adam’s abilities are outstanding and we’ve been actively developing his intelligence since he was 10 weeks old - but we’re certainly delighted for him.

Historical fascination with child prodiges.

Have fun!

That was neat to see. Thanks for sharing it here.

Thanks for sharing very inspiring :slight_smile:

I’ve heard of most of the child prodigies listed in the second, but I had no idea they were celebrities for it. That was an interesting read, thank you for sharing. :slight_smile: