Child needs for boundaries

This is part of an article from:

“Seeking the ‘railings’ he needs to feel secure, a child will continue to test a caregiver until boundaries are clearly stated. Power struggles are a necessary part of the development of ‘self’ for the child; however, the outcome must be that the child knows that the adult is in charge. Children do not usually admit this, but they do not wish to be all powerful and the possibility that they might be is frightening indeed. Children raised without firm, consistent boundaries are insecure and world-weary. Burdened with too many decisions and too much power, they miss out on the joyful freedom every child deserves.”

My opinion is that sometimes we forget we are parents, and it can happen, we must help our children showing the rules clearly and limits are essential to them. As a writer says: " who loves, Educate!!!" Icami Tiba.

I recommend you to read the article in full.