Child has bigger vocabulary than I do

My grandson is two and he is a very smart child. He has a very large vocabulary and I am just an ordinary grandmother with a small vocabulary.

I’m worried that his vocabulary is already larger than mine and what will I do when he is 4 or 5 years old?

Oh, I think you will be fine. He can always teach you new words.

:slight_smile: yes, he can teach you - but I think he might get frustrated if you learn too slowly for him.

Seriously though, just read to him from a vast quantity of books - both standard children’s books and perhaps even some adult books (non fiction is usually best as the emotional content is not so variable)

Yes, reading to him is great. i think my mother will be in the same boat. She loves reading all of those womens magazines. Even now although he is only 7.5 months old, he loves looking at all of the bright coloured pictures and ads when nanna has him on her lap. the only problem she has is that he wants to eat the magazine alot of the time. Even if you point to the pictures and make up your own stories. My niece seems to like that and she is about 4. Just spend some loving quality time with him, thats the main thing

I hate to read. I know it sounds terrible but I cannot stand to read anything.

My daughter and my grandson are very scholarly and educated but I’m just a grandma. I’m sure I’ll manage with my grandson though.